In this final installment of The Cowboy Preacher Series, Monty relies on God to carry him through many dark and challenging times. How will Monty survive single parenting while suffering a broken heart, a broken body and going broke? In Restoring Eli, read how God rewards Monty -- or Eli, his new spiritual name -- with grace and faithfulness. Like the Bible's account of Job, Monty experiences God restoring him to a new, loving marriage while he leads many others through demonic oppression, healing and a saving faith in Jesus Christ.
A Note From Monty:
The first book in The Cowboy Preacher Series, I Am Eli, recounts my wild ride to redemption. It all started while growing up on a ranch, chasing dreams of becoming a professional rodeo cowboy and becoming the best fourth generation plumbing contractor I could be like my dad, grandpa and great grandpa, to nearly losing it all. But God had plans for me, like he does for you too, which would change my identity forever. If you haven't read I Am Eli yet, I suggest you do so, to become more familiar with my journey before reading the second book in the series, Eli's Road Less Traveled.
In Eli's Road Less Traveled, God worked in amazing ways, regardless of the mountaintops I climbed or the valleys I went through. I wish I could say that after I came to faith in Jesus that all my problems went away. But they didn't. Still, through the tremendous emotional and financial suffering my faith grew stronger. I learned to trust in God no matter what came at me and my boys, leaning on Him instead of my own understanding. The result has been nothing short of amazing!
That's what can be ahead for you too.
Now, I Introduce the third, and final installment, in The Cowboy Preacher Series: Restoring Eli. I'm excited for you, as you will read how God restored my life.