In today's consumer-driven world, there is an interesting paradox that
shows a big di.erence between how the rich and the poor spend their
moneyR fich people, who seem to have a lot ok money, okten Oeep their
wealth by living in a way that reminds us ok those who are struggling
EnanciallyR Mn the other hand, people who are poor okten try to spend
liOe the rich do to give themselves the impression that they are doing wellR
In the middle ok this Enancial mess, credit cards, (qIs )(Buated qonthly
InstallmentsN, and Puy Low Uay: ater schemes are alluring ways to get
BuicO satiskaction without the money to pay kor itR Cnder the surkace,
though, there is a dangerous resultT a greater number ok people who are
caught in the debt trap and have to live krom paychecO to paychecO because
they can't get out ok debtR
In a society that is kull ok shopping and a constant need kor new things,
easy credit has made it possible kor people to tell themselves that they can
live liOe the rich without getting richer or maOing more moneyR jredit
cards are easy to get and let you buy things without using cash right awayR
2his maOes people more liOely to go on shopping sprees on the spur ok
the moment and buy things Wust because they want to show o. or get