This important medical reference draws from myriad sources in the field of respiratory physiology to help critical care providers improve the clinical outcomes of critically ill patients. While neither implicating nor recommending any specific clinical practice patterns or guidelines, the goal of the book is to bring the principles of respiratory physiology from the textbook to the real-world practice of contemporary ICU medicine.
Presented in a clear, concise format for clinicians and care providers-from the novice to the most experienced-Respiratory Physiology for the Intensivist starts by offering ten chapters highlighting key physiological principles relating to the respiratory system. The subsequent eight chapters bring into focus the application of these scientific principles in the treatment of disease processes commonly encountered in ICU medicine, including pneumonia, asthma, and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
With this practical manual, author Robert L. Vender, MD, a clinician currently practicing critical care medicine, dispels the illusion that the concepts inherent to respiratory physiology have become mere terminology that is no longer relevant in today's high-tech intensive care settings. To the contrary, readers will discover that the principles of respiratory physiology can be applied in day-to-day practice of ICU medicine for better health and survival outcomes.
About the Author: Robert L. Vender, MD, is an actively practicing board-certified pulmonary and critical care physician. While he has spent most of his career in academic medical centers, working in settings ranging from small rural institutions to large city hospitals has provided him with a broad focus.
With thirty years of experience behind him, he still maintains an enthusiasm and fascination for the science and practice of medicine and the uniqueness of each patient for whom he has the honor of providing care. In their service, he continues to expand his knowledge and abilities daily.
Respiratory Physiology for the Intensivist makes a valuable contribution to the practical understanding of care and management of critically ill patients in an ICU setting without going into specific clinical practice patterns or guidelines.