About the Book
Contents : 1. Introduction to Research Methodology, 2. Research Problem, 3. Research Design,4. Developing a Research Plan, 5. Documentation, 6. Thesis Writing, 7. Oral Presentation, 8. Poster Presentation , 9. Literature Review, 10. Collection of Data, 11. Classification of Data, 12. Tabulation of Data, 13. Graphic Presentation of Data, 14. Diagrammatic Presentation of Data, 15. Measures of Central Tendency, 16. Measures of Dispersion, 17. Standard Error, 18. Chi-Square Test, 19. Student?s ?t? Test, 20. Correlation, 21. Frequency Distribution, 22. Probability, 23. Regression Analysis, 24. Theoretical Probability Distributions, 25. Microtechniques, 26. Microscopy, 29. Electrocardiogram, 30. Kymograph, 31. Haemocytometer, 32. pH meter, 33. Centrifugation, 34. Chromatography, 35. Colorimeter, 36. Spectrometer, 37. Electrophoresis, 38. X-ray Crystallography, 39. Autoradiography, 40. Tracer Techniques, 41. Dosimetry, 42. Cytometry, 43. Immunotechniques, 44. Plant Cell and Tissue Culture, 45. Animal Cell and Tissue culture, 46. Hybridoma Technology, 47. Animal Bioreactor Technology, 48. Transgenic Animal Technology, 49. Protein Sequencing, 50. DNA Sequencing, 51 Genomics, 52. Chromosome mapping, 53. Chromosome Walking, 54. Chromosome Jumping, 55. Molecular Markers and their applications, 56. Microarray, 57. Direct Gene Transfer Techniques, 58. Colony Hybridization, 59. Nucleic Acid Hybridization, 60. Blotting Techniques, 61. PCR, 62. Gene Knockout Or Gene Targeting, 63. Bioethics, 64. Biosafety, Glossary, Index