Snatched from their summer fun by a sudden tragedy, six friends loyal to the King of Light embark upon an unforgettable adventure into the Kingdom of Darkness to rescue a young boy held hostage by evil creatures.
Astride such mystical mounts as a winged tiger, a flying unicorn, and a giant cobra, these ordinary young people engage in an extraordinary battle against dragons and demons that will cost them more than they counted on. As they struggle against monsters-and even each other-to overcome the fight against night, the friends soon discover the true enemy that must be conquered is the enemy within themselves.
Based on bedtime stories created by author Mikaela Vincent to help her children live who they are in Christ, this first Christian fantasy book in the Chronicles of the Kingdom of Light is an inspirational allegory filled with adventure, humor, and some truths that just might change your life.
In this Christian fantasy series for teens and kids, author Mikaela Vincent offers an inspirational alternative to books on vampires, zombies, minecraft, magic or horror. Homeschool moms and other Christian parents will love reading Rescue from Darkness together with their children because of the discussions on faith, obedience to Christ, the battlefield of the mind, and victory over darkness encouraged in each adventure these middle school children endure on their magic journey from a house near the Tree of Righteousness to join the King's army and fight the good fight.
In the Chronicles of the Kingdom of Light and in other More Than A Conqueror Books for youth and children, readers will find tips for hearing God's voice, freedom from fear and lies, tearing down strongholds, making wise decisions and becoming more than a conqueror. Every Tom, Dick and Harry who wants the Potter to mold him or his sons and daughters will enjoy the deep truths in these books for middle school kids.
Pure-As-Gold Seal books for youth and children by More Than A Conqueror Books help equip young people today for the battles of tomorrow.
For these good books for kids and teens by author Mikaela Vincent, as well as small group Bible studies for men and women and more, visit
All the author's proceeds go to sharing the Good News where few have ever heard.
(This novel was previously titled, Rescue from the Kingdom of Darkness)