Reply to a Mockery-
A response to the booklet entitled Ilhami Girgit-
by H. Ali
There is a long and painful history of poisonous accusations
against the Prophets of God. Since the Ahmadiyya Muslim
Community was founded in 1889, its opponents too have attacked
the Promised Messiahas in every manner possible. The author of
a pamphlet titled Ilhami Girgit [Divine Chameleon] has seemingly
built a case against the Promised Messiahas by portraying
his teachings as inconsistent, blasphemous, and pandering to
colonial powers. This present book, Reply to a Mockery, by H. Ali,
is a refutation of these allegations. It exposes the deliberate falsehoods
and misleading claims the pamphlet employs to misguide
the public. Furthermore, it demonstrates from the writings of the
Promised Messiahas that his teachings are not only in line with the
Holy Quran and Hadith, but that many Islamic scholars, earlier as
well as recent ones, hold similar beliefs as the Promised Messiahas.
Even though this book was written as a rebuttal to a specific
pamphlet, the same allegations are recast by other opponents of
Ahmadiyyat on many occasions. Therefore, both Ahmadis and
seekers of truth are sure to find this book beneficial in clearing up.