In addition to dealing with the typical teenage angst, fifteen-year-old Grace Arkin has to live with the fact that she's alive only because her sister died and, in an attempt to break free from depression, her mom decided to get pregnant. Grace will be the first to tell you-the plan didn't work.
Growing up in a house structured around fear and the ever-looming possibility of death, Grace eventually finds a friend in fellow outsider Josie. But as the two girls head into high school, both longing to find their place in this strange new world, they unexpectedly fall headlong into its darkest realities.
Tackling tough topics such as cyberbullying, teenage sex, and suicide, as well as the transformative themes of friendship and forgiveness, The Replacement Daughter follows the poignant journey of a young girl in search of her own unique value. A story that teens will easily relate to and fully appreciate, this novel also offers valuable insights to parents and psychologists.
Discover, with Grace, what life has to offer.
About the Author: Author and attorney Lisa S. Pocchia first earned her undergraduate degree in creative writing from Sarah Lawrence College before continuing her education at Fordham University Law School. Currently, she works drafting and negotiating contracts while pursuing her lifelong passion of writing fiction. She lives in New Jersey with her husband, Michael, and two sons, Zachary and Christopher.
The Replacement Daughter, a young adult novel, is Pocchia's first book to be published. It was inspired by an article she read about a woman who got pregnant in the hope that the baby would help her recover from the loss of her three children in a car accident the year before.