It isn't taught in school...
...and that's why people struggle.
Do you know how to succeed?
Chris realized that the American dream of formal education, work, buy a house, work some more, and try to raise a family, wasn't leading where he wanted to go. He loved his wife and kids, they were comfortable, but it wasn't the life he hoped. He knew deep down there was another level. And that wasn't the worst part.
His daughter was on the same path.
Could he teach her, at age six, to think like an entrepreneur?
The answer was simple, and Chris knew it. Multiple streams of income provided safety and growth to build an enjoyable life. After $350,000 in student debt, he set his mind and goals to achieving success beyond the job.
Then he helped his daughter.
In this wonderful book you'll learn:
- How to invest in your future
- Ways to build passive income
- The power of Velocity
- What your own Circle of Influence means for your success
- Why giving back is important
And much more!
You'll love this powerful business book, because it will help you conquer your own fears of the unknown and to move forward to financial freedom.
Get your copy now!