Because renting and maintaining property is such a self-directed undertaking, keeping a record of everything is vitally important. Check out why this Rental Property Record Keeping will help you as a renter. We have designed it to be:
USEFUL. This Rent Log Book allows you to write the important information of your renters such as their names, property type and name, address, unit, their payment method and amount, balance due and other necessary details you need. Very helpful in keeping track of payments especially when some renters forget.
CONVENIENT. What's more convenient than keeping an actual record? No need to log in and it does not require batteries! This is made simple for landlords to log details in. This can be your keepsake and you can use it for future reference and record purposes.
BUILT TO LAST. The binding is durable so the pages will remain secure and not break loose easily. We make sure our notebooks are reliable and of good quality for several months of use.
WELL-CRAFTED INTERIOR. All pages are made of thick, white paper to minimize ink bleed-through. The marks, columns, and margins in every page are clearly printed to give you enough space to log details.
PERFECT SIZE. With its 20.32 x 25.4 cm (8" x 10") dimensions, it lays flat durably while writing on it. Makes easy for filing on bookshelves, travel or storage in a cabinet or desk drawer.
FAVORABLE COVERS. Be inspired when you see our collections of log books and lay your eyes on its creative designs and sturdy cover.
We stand to present good quality log books to cater you the best writing experience with our collections of notebooks. With this Rental Property Record Keeping, you can now write in a sturdy notebook and keep a record of payments for your rental property business. Don't miss this copy, get one now!