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Are you looking for a complete compendium for solving your renal problems?
Then keep reading...
Your customers will never stop using this amazing book!
Who are we? Have you ever imagined the determinants of our existence? The factors contributing to good health? There are many as we are the sum of a lot of mechanisms working in sync. In our everyday routine, we fail to acknowledge the importance of each and take them for granted.
Kidneys, per se, their health and functioning are usually neglected without considering the major role they play in maintaining the fluid balance in the body and keeping it free of toxins. It is this negligence that results in various kidney diseases. Like other parts of the body, renal health is also related to the food we eat. If we help the functioning of the kidneys through our diet, it will keep them healthy. Contrary to this, if we strain the kidneys by consuming lots of salt and other minerals that can cause them harm, it might destabilize the balance of the internal renal environment and eventually cause kidney disease or worsen pre-existing kidney problems.
This book Renal Diet Cookbook covers the following topics:
- Introduction to the renal diet
- Benefits of renal diet
- What you can eat and what you can avoid in renal diet
- Breakfast recipes
- Lunch recipes
- Dinner recipes
- Dessert recipe
- 21-day kidney diet plan
- Getting used to low-sodium diet regimen
- Renal diet and lifestyle guidance
...And much more
Before leaping into the details of the renal diet, it is important to learn a little about our kidneys and how they function. Kidneys are actually like a filter that cleans out the blood running into them with pressure. The renal arteries entering the kidneys pass by the membranes which only allow the excretory product to pass into the kidney's ureters while returning clean blood to the body. Another important function the kidneys have is that they keep the water levels in the body balanced. If the body has excess water, it will release it through urination and if the body is too dehydrated less water is released through urination. To maintain this balance, the internal environment of the kidneys matters for proper osmosis.
What are the causes of Kidney Disease?
Renal function or kidney function is a term used to describe how well the kidneys work. Every healthy individual is born with two healthy kidneys, one on each side of the body. Renal diseases occur when the renal cells called nephrons are completely or partially damaged and fail to filter the blood coming into the kidneys. The damage can occur due to the acidic or toxic build-up inside the kidneys over a while. Hypertension/high blood pressure or diabetes also be causes behind progressive damage of the nephrons. Permanent and lasting damage can even result in chronic kidney failure which, if left untreated, could be fatal.
Luckily, we can prevent the chronic stage by detecting the early signs of kidney damage and working to slow down the degeneration. Even minor changes should be looked into to avoid intense discomfort.
In this kidney-friendly Renal Diet Cookbook, we look to discover the determinants of the renal diseases and figure out how to better manage them through a well-planned renal diet.
Buy it NOW and let your customers become addicted to this incredible book!