Recent technological advances have given rise to the popularity and success of the
cloud. Cloud computing is used widely since it supplies cost-efficient architectures that
support the transmission, storage, and intensive computing of data. However, these
promising storage services bring many challenging design issues due to the loss of data
control. Of the many challenges described in section 1.6, data confidentiality and data
integrity have a significant influence on the security and performances of the cloud
system. There is a question on the responsible person for cloud security. Some threat
models assume that the cloud service provider cannot be trusted, and others support that
the cloud providers can be trusted and the threats are from outside attackers and other
malicious cloud users. As a solution, security designers suggest storing the data in the
encrypted form. Furthermore, a cloud user can never deny a potential server breakdown.
As a solution, security designers suggest storing the data in the
encrypted form. Furthermore, a cloud user can never deny a potential server breakdown.
Therefore, several challenges need to be addressed for security and privacy in a cloud
context. The two data security concerns, namely data confidentiality and data integrity,
are mainly considered in this research.
This book focuses on enhancing cloud security by using different
methodologies. Initially, the work is started with using basic cryptographic algorithm and
data mining concepts to store and retrieve the data in the cloud in a secured way.
Then the work focus is moved to data confidentiality preservation which becomes more
complex with flexible data sharing among a dynamic group of users. Next work in the
research supports a client to perform periodical remote integrity verifications, without
keeping the data locally. Finally, the work focuses on efficient task scheduling algorithms
to speed up the work of storing and retrieving the data from the cloud.