Remember Your Why" is a compelling and empowering motivational book crafted by Dr. Hite, an experienced teacher with 18 years in the classroom, specifically for K 12 educators, providing them with the tools and insights needed to navigate the challenges of the teaching profession while staying true to their initial passion for education. This book examines various aspects of the teaching experience from the viewpoints of the Who's, What's, Where's, When's, and How's that often contribute to frustration and difficulty. The challenge throughout the book is for teachers to "Remember Their Why" above all else.
In the first section of the book, Dr. Hite explores the "Who's" in an educator's life, emphasizing the crucial roles played by parents, students, fellow teachers, and administrators that sometimes cause teachers to forget their "Why."
In the "What's," Dr. Hite addresses the teacher's responsibilities, encompassing subject areas and additional job duties. It provides practical advice on managing workload, balancing responsibilities, and finding fulfillment in the diverse tasks of being an educator that includes more than simply standing in front of a classroom full of students disseminating information.
The "Where's" section explores the physical environment's impact on teaching. From the classroom dynamics to the broader school location, Dr. Hite shares the issues faced with creating an optimal learning space and navigating the challenges posed by different school settings.
In the "When's" section of the book, Dr. Hite addresses the intricacies of teaching times and schedules. It tackles issues such as managing time effectively, adapting to varying schedules, and balancing professional and personal life. The goal and purpose of the book is for teachers to Remember that they became teachers to reach the children academically, socially, emotionally and athletically. Teaching is a calling and this book is a reminder that teachers cannot allow the "who's, what's, where's, when's or How's interfere, disrupt or disuade their "Why's" of getting into teachig.
The "How's" section comprehensively explores teaching models and delivery methods. It discusses the evolving landscape of education, incorporating innovative teaching approaches, technology integration, and adaptable methods to engage students effectively.
Throughout the book, the narrative continually circles back to the core theme - the educators' "Why." It serves as a guiding light, reminding teachers of their initial educational motivations and aspirations. By constantly reconnecting with their purpose, educators can find renewed energy and inspiration to overcome challenges.
"Remember Your Why" is not just a book; it's a mentor, a companion, and a source of motivation for educators navigating the complex landscape of K-12 education. Through its rich insights, practical advice, and empowering anecdotes, this book aims to rekindle the passion that brought educators into the classroom in the first place, ultimately contributing to their long-term success and fulfillment in the noble teaching profession.