This is a book of repentance for the people of earth. In it I give decrees of instruction, guidance and repentance.
A year ago, on September 23, 2019 I resigned from my job and by October 24, 2019, I had readied a manuscript, which I sent out to leaders of your nations to embassies, to religious leaders and to political and military leaders.
A few weeks later a novel contagion appeared, man-made or by natural causes and or by non-biological origins.
I sent out another book, and the contagion spread worldwide.
I sent out another book, and there was societal chaos.
Your leaders have rejected me and for this your world has suffered more than it has to.
Most of this book is a picture book of screenshots of the books I have sent with names and addresses of the people, for the accounting of this and the reckoning thereof.
Should your leaders reject me again, things will only worsen and yet what has happened thus far is a mere shaking.
Your leaders are to translate these books in public on video, television and read them to your people in their entirety.
At this point, your leaders' actions are growing old and rather than acknowledge me and raise the flags, they have decided to sell you into slavery and ignore me.
All they had to do was a raise a flag and read books to you in public, but they would rather enforce a bunch of zany rules to control and contradict those controls on a daily basis.
You do not think that in order to work, you have to apply something to your face. If you do not work, you do not have a house, you do not eat.
You are in deeper than you think.
Yet, you ignore me because you refuse to accept the reality of who I am.
What time you are living in.
Your leaders have sold you into slavery and I am here to bail you out and advocate for you for you are unprepared and not ready.
This book is about last October, early November.
Your political and religious leaders are responsible for your suffering and your modern-day plague.
Reject me again, and the response will become louder and you will lament and wish it was 2020 all over again.
Most of you wish it was 1984 again.
Yet some of you wish for the 80s in general when you all were not so upset with one another. When you opiated on fantasy and fiction and life seemed somewhat tame.
I have no editor, but I have read through this, and if you spot a mistake it does not negate the message.
As I have directed in all books, your top leader or top two leaders take turns reading section Day 1 on Earth Day 1, Day 2 on Earth Day 2 and so on. Day 7, they read on Day 6 for Day 7 is a day of rest on Saturday and complete media blackout.