"So then, if everything came from nothing, what is nothing?"
He was baiting me, but after a calm, measured beat, I answered:
"Nothing is infinite potential." I punctuated with a pause, to give him a
breath to let it sink in."When you become something, that's it. You're
defined and limited to only be that thing.But when you are nothing,
you can be anything."
Find Your Purpose
I started writing this book at the darkest moment of my life,
and in it I document my journey to Enlightenment,
through Surrender.
Although I reference heavily to Islam and other religions,
it is to illustrate their essence,
through their universal message.
This is the book I wish someone handed me at the beginning of my spiritual journey,
To Know Myself and my purpose in life.
It would've helped me understand:
1. What I was experiencing along the way,
2. What I was truly aiming for, and
3. It would've reassured me that everything was going to be better than ok.
I intend for this book to find the hands of sincere truth seekers,
So that it can light their way,
And make them know with certainty,
That they are not alone.
Keep Going.