How do we know what we think we know? What are the origins of our ideas about how the world works? Science is just another method of knowing, no better or worse than any other ideology, philosophy or religion. This book explores thoughts and ideas about our physical world, problems with the current paradigm in physics and gives thoughts and ideas about how to view the world differently. It is an enlightening journey into freedom of thought.
This book will challenge you like no other. You will be amazed and scandalized at the same time. You might just open your mind to new ways of thinking about the world. Dr. Swanson uses reason, rationality and humor to artfully show that the scientific world view is anything but.
Reviewer's comments:
"I support your project is because I am convinced you are on the path of a new truth. I love reading your book. It is candid, direct and honest. You are a very talented writer with impressive command of the English language. I like your ability to be brief and direct to the point. Honestly, you are really good!
Here are some observations:
1. Your derivation of the Plank constant from the Rayleigh-Jeans Law is beautiful.
2. Your discussion on Quantum Mechanics is right on the mark for a non-physicist.
3. Boy, are you going to get hammered by the scientific high priests. Your suggestions are bold.
What I find the most appealing in your book is the beautiful way you explain to the reader in part I and II not only how the current state of science is, but how it got there and why it did make sense for scientists of the past to arrive at their conclusions. You develop a very close, trusting relationship with the reader. Some times I had the mental image of you being next to me and explaining all this in a frank, friendly way. What a great read! The books gets better every chapter."
"Your book has been thought provoking in many ways. We are often functioning in a world in which we have no perspective because we can't see beyond limits that are perceived to be 'true.' We have multiple ways of perceiving what is seen as well as what is not seen. What explains inspiration, telepathy or the placebo effect? Dogma in science and religion exact a big price from all of us. False or outdated assumptions march us over cliffs, thinking all the while that we are safe, protected by convention. Clearly such feelings of security are unwarranted."