The release management process is a relatively new but rapidly growing discipline within software engineering of managing software releases. As software systems, software development processes, and resources become more distributed, they invariably become more specialized and complex. Furthermore, software products (especially web applications) are typically in an ongoing cycle of development, testing, and release. Add to this an evolution and growing complexity of the platforms on which these systems run, and it becomes clear there are a lot of moving pieces that must fit together seamlessly to guarantee the success and long-term value of a product or project.
The need therefore exists for dedicated resources to oversee the integration and flow of development, testing, deployment, and support of these systems. Although project managers have done this in the past, they generally are more concerned with high-level, ""grand design"" aspects of a project or application, and so often do not have time to oversee some of the more technical or day-to-day aspects. Release managers (aka ""RMs"") address this need. They must have a general knowledge of every aspect of the software development process, various applicable operating systems and software application or platforms, as well as various business functions and perspectives.
This book is your ultimate resource for Release Management. Here you will find the most up-to-date information, analysis, background and everything you need to know.
In easy to read chapters, with extensive references and links to get you to know all there is to know about Release Management right away, covering: Release management, Accidental complexity, Agile Modeling, Agile software development, Application lifecycle management, Baseline (configuration management), Brooks's law, Brownfield (software development), Chief programmer team, Comparison of development estimation software, Comprehensive & Robust Requirements Specification Process, Conway's Law, Death march (project management), Dual Vee Model, Endeavour Software Project Management, Enterprise Unified Process, Essential complexity, Feature creep, Gold plating (software engineering), Homesteading the Noosphere, IBM Rational Unified Process, IBM Tivoli Unified Process (ITUP), Issue Log, Iterative and incremental development, Lead programmer, Merge window, Metaprogramming (management), Misuse case, MKS Integrity, MoSCoW Method, Multiagent systems product lines, The Mythical Man-Month, Ninety-ninety rule, NNPP, No Silver Bullet, Offshore custom software development, Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration, Peopleware, Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams, Planning poker, Programming team, Project triangle, Rapid application development, RATF, Release engineering, SAIV, Scrum (development), ScrumMaster, Simple matter of software, Software development, Software development effort estimation, Software Development Folder, Software factory, Software Peter principle, Software product line, Software product management, Team programming, Timeboxing, Top Development, Tracking questionnaire, Use case, V-Model, VersionOne, Branching (software), Talk: Revision control, Codebase, Commit bit, Derived object, Distributed revision control, KDESvn, Repository clone, Revision control, Software versioning, Synchronization model
This book explains in-depth the real drivers and workings of Release Management. It reduces the risk of your technology, time and resources investment decisions by enabling you to compare your understanding of Release Management with the objectivity of experienced professionals.