This book on life and relationships, is based on my 49 years of research in the personal development field, plus lessons learned in my 50-year marriage to Bryna, often my active business partner. Bryna passed three weeks after our 50th anniversary following a courageous battle with ALS, with me as her 24-7 caregiver.
For you romantics, we met on a Friday at a singles dance at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, got engaged 3-days later on Valentine's Day, and married 3-weeks later in Vegas.
Specifically, this checklist is structured around hundreds of stimulating, thought-provoking questions covering 23 categories of life. These questions will expand your self-awareness and crystallize your thinking about life and how that thinking intertwines with your relationship status. Its purpose is to help you make or reevaluate the most important decisions of your life, those concerning your interpersonal relationships.
In summary: Whether you're in a relationship or not, whether your relationship is perfect or rough around the edges, this book will help you make life and relationship decisions with enlightened self-confidence, by helping you do four things:
1. Know thyself: Interview and profile yourself. Is your relationship with yourself compatible with the life you envision to live? Discover how unique you really are. Know yourself, your deal breakers and problematic relationship issues before deciding if you're compatible with someone else.
2. Rethink past relationships: Understand why previous relationships didn't work. Put the past to bed. Hopefully you'll never again have to say, "If only I knew then what I know now."
3. Appraise a current relationship: Are you truly made for each other? Are you and your partner on the same page intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically regarding your attitudes about life, relationships, and your world-view? "is it time to move in, move out, or run for the hills," or time to reevaluate your compatibility, reconcile your differences, and make your relationship work even better?
4. Evaluate a potential relationship: Determine if a potential relationship is likely to succeed or not. Discover and resolve differences before taking the plunge. Could this be the love of your life? Avoid spending weeks, months, or even years dating and vetting a relationship that may be doomed from the start. Don't guess, don't wonder, ask the hard penetrating questions. Good luck!