Do you know what the real cause of mild and severe stress and anxiety is?
Would you like to balance your physical and psychological health?
Or maybe, you are looking for a healthy lifestyle guide? Do you want to learn how to activate your vagus nerve unleashing your body's natural ability to healing yourself?
If yes, then keep reading...If you are suffering from a chronic disease (whether it is fatigue, chronic illness, mental illness, or overall emotional and physical pain) and traditional medicine isn't helping then this book will help you find out the exact causes and the way to heal yourself naturally with two of the most powerful self-healing techniques: the Vagus nerve stimulation and Reiki healing.
1)The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the body, reaching out from the brain stem as a pair of nerves, one for controlling each side of the body. Vagus: comes from the Latin word for wanderer because it wanders throughout the entire body, it impacts in some way nearly every organ in the body. It is part of the body's parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) and provides you with the fight or escape instinct when presented with unexpected or threatening situation. Your vagus nerve acts as an inhibitor for the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), providing a counterbalance to the initial panic from the SNS, and allowing the body to calm down. The vagus nerve is connected to the neuroception system of the body which helps us to determine the safety of our environment on an unconscious level.
This part of the book includes:
- What is the vagus nerve?
- Vagus nerve and health and mental health
- The diseases associated with the vagus nerve
- How to activate the vagus nerve
- All the Exercises You Need to Know
- The benefits of vagus nerve stimulation
And much more...
Even if you have never done any type of meditation, physical or mental exercise, this book will teach you everything in a very simple step-by-step process.
Keep in mind that this book is not only about the Vagus Nerve, most of the rules and strategies apply to all people who want to improve their lives and their health.
2)While learning how the Reiki healing works you will learn how your energy bodies collect, process, and expresses everything that happens inside you as a response to outside experiences.
You will be able to see how you're past experiences, starting from the earliest days of your childhood, affected your relationship with the world. You will learn what caused you to disconnect from the people around you, the Divine, and your own body.
This part of the book includes: - Reiki: origins and etymology
- Reiki symbols and meanings
- The five principles of Reiki
- How Reiki healing works
- Reiki for self-healing
- How to heal others with Reiki
And much more...
You will understand the importance of letting go of pain and fears and replacing them with positive energy.
Reiki healing will give you step-by-step instructions on how to use mindful practices to release unconscious blockages and by doing this you'll be able to truly and unconditionally accept everything that's going on inside you, accepting your true self and stop trying to fit in the ideal image of the modern society.
Now it is your turn to take action.
Scroll up, click on "Buy Now" and begin healing your mind and your body!