About the Book
Welcome to the world of Reiki. Reiki is a spiritual practice for channeling, receiving and transmitting the Universal Life Force - based on its first degree on the lay on of the hands - to balancing and recharging the individual energy flows. The act of resting our hands on the body to convey emotion, comfort, participation, or alleviate pain, is part of our instinct; genetically encoded in our DNA. In the case of ache, the first thing that almost everyone does is to lay their hands on the spot. Our touch conveys warmth, serenity, friendship, and affection; it conveys concern and love. Our touch listens and perceives; it determines and heals. The First Degree deals with the material dimension of being, and the transmission is by physical contact, always starting from the assumption that matter, and consequently the physical body too, is a composite of energy, vibrations, waves, magnetic fields, and consciousness that intersect simultaneously, giving the sense of solidity. It teaches the technique's basic practice structure and the standard positions, designed to treat all physical and energy systems of the body. It transmits the four needed activations to open the Reiki channel of awareness, to consciously draw in the Universal Life Force and receive it in greater abundance and pass it on. It prepares to maintain focus, attention, and freedom throughout the process and understand what the underlying causes of any unbalance are. The following is the handbook that I give to my Reiki students after their first level seminar, which lasts sixteen hours (4x4) and is inclusive of four activations. That's the teaching.
About the Author: Andrea Scarsi, Swami Prem Sandesh, is a mystic writer and musician, and a spiritual therapist, who uses his works to share a dimension of being and lifestyle that are based on meditation and communion with the absolute. He received his first Reiki session in 1988, in Poona, India, in the Osho Commune. In the following years, he continues the practice and completes the learning of all three levels. He becomes Master Reiki on February 19, 1997, in Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra, India, at 6.00am. At the moment, he has activated 24 Reiki Masters. Born in Venice, Italy, in 1955, he begins at the age of fifteen to practice yoga, spiritualism, and telepathy and at twenty-four, on his first trip to India, he consciously enters the world of meditation guided by his Spiritual Master Osho, receiving the title and name of Swami Prem Sandesh. He loves traveling, and besides India, lived for long periods in the Buddhist Southeast Asia: Japan, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Lao, China, and Tibet, to explore and study the local cultures, both meeting people, and in the form of their rituals and religious practices applied to the life of every day. Through the years, he studies and deepens different meditation techniques, for awakening consciousness, energy balancing, and personal evolution, which he practices and teaches. He leads meditation groups and sessions, conferences and retreats, mantra chanting and meetings in truth, in Italy, India, and the world. Doctor of Metaphysical Science, Holistic Life Coach, Reiki Grand Master, Karuna Reiki(R), Crystals, Shaman, and Meditation Master, he's the author of several books on spirituality and subjects dear to his heart. He resides in Venice, Italy, and moves to Goa, India, during winter. Connect with Andrea Scarsi (Sandesh) through his website at www.andreascarsi.com.