The Christmas letters share the chaos of family life, highlighting the blend of comedy and drama that accompanies the journey of parenthood and familial relationships. Episodic tales portray a tableau of life's quirks, challenges, growth, parenting and changes that the family undergoes.
Reflections were precipitated from the author's unique approach to addressing "wicked" problems, embodying a pragmatic blend of humility, interdisciplinary insight, and a method referred to as "muddling." Muddling is an innovative form of problem-solving that leverages a broad spectrum of knowledge, supported by systems engineering skills, to navigate the uncertainties of such problems. While facing the breadth and depth of his ignorance, the author's need to know what he didn't know resulted in hundreds of pages of notes and essays that precipitated the sixty 2-5-page reflections that:
- use personal anecdotes, historical insights, and professional wisdom to resolve life's challenges and opportunities.
- blend philosophical musings, and observations on societal structures, habitat, and technologies.
- encompass a broad spectrum of human experience to the profound questions of ethics and the nature of knowledge.
- delve into the dynamics and essence of enterprise knowledge and its implications for businesses of all sizes.
- emphasize the author's analytical mudding with dialogs between directors of healthcare and manufacturing facilities.
- explain why systems engineering is foundational to resolving societal, habitat and critical and complex problems.