Navigate challenging times
From a life run on auto-pilot into your full power-a life of love, bliss, and joy
'Rediscover The Creator Within' is a step-by-step, back-to-basics look at being human.
Easy to absorb exercises guide you toward a purposeful, harmonious, contented life.
A life lived to the full.
- Find peace, meaning, and purpose
- Understand thought and emotion
- Let go of blame and judgment
- Discover self-acceptance
- Move beyond conflict to harmonious relationships
- Gain motivation
- Nurture a contented state of mind
In midlife Nicola Bowen experienced a profound life-changing experience that led her
to look at life entirely differently. Through this book, she shares her learning to help
you rediscover your natural state of stillness and contentment.
Enjoy the journey of discovering your full potential.