About the Book
"Red Fox Knight" is a Mystery-Anventure-Some Romance novel. We could place it as a conventional novel, if, it wouldn't be for the context of controversial issues where it evolves; controversial issues that are real life ones, and it may touch any of us in the American Community; in fact, I have taken all those issues we all see on everyday life, as well its personages that I modeled from real persons that I had known, same was with occurrences, which, many of them actually happened, although in different time, space, but unrelated each other, and I took it, put them together for forming the plot. Regardless, "Red Fox Knight" is all fiction, product of the imagination. Although occurrences may happen in different places like France and Israel, the basic of the plot happens in New York City, which, with all its diversity of ethnicities, religious credos, ideologies, social-economic status, etc., give the real significance to the fundamental proposition of the plot, that is the hypothetical effect that diversity may cause over the interaction of individuals belonging to different groups. The City much talked "Melting Pot", may appear, as one of the characters point out, rather a "Pandora Box that you rather don't lift the lid" and one would better stay in the own group, if wants some sort of substantial interaction, because trying to blend two different group "Mind-set" individuals, on a positive interaction, may prove near impossible, besides, harmful to the human community, eventually. The Novel shows its personages dealing with all regular actions of human life, and with their respectives points of view. Although it more seems religion being the subject of dispute or disagreement among the characters of the plot, it must be noticed thar ideologies, for instance, may appear considered causing same effect on interactions, but as the characters all have personal awareness about it, whether being a high level, middle level, or somewhat a believer, passing for the one who is in doubt, to the one who deny God existence, and eventually the extremist one; though, the personages are shown they deal not only between the more or less faithful ones religious denominations, they also are seen on interactions among believers of different credos, or non believers at all, always each other expressing their mind on a way, that for certain readers it may appear highly controversial, because the eternal issue of Creationism and Darwinian Evolution is present. The author, by any means propose defining proposition over the controversy, nor its characters, neither was his intention of having a hero or main personage on the plot, though Robert Whiteside appear he is the one, because he run from the beginning to the end of the novel, but that is only coincidence; the author believe all the personages are heroes on its respective ways, running their pure human existences through that web of dogmas, ideologies, accepted moral notions, and the like, that form the human environment of that "Melting Pot" of that city and surroundings. The book appear suitable for both genders, men and women, and on the range from the young to mature ones.