Introduction: Developments in Internationalisation in the 21st Century Error! Bookmark not defined.
The Role of Government Error! Bookmark not defined.
How innovation and technology shape internationalisation Error! Bookmark not defined.
Increasing ethical awareness Error! Bookmark not defined.
Overall developments worth considering Error! Bookmark not defined. Research over student mobility Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalisation at home Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalisation as a core function to fulfil a university's social responsibility Error! Bookmark not defined.
The enthusiastic views of internationalisation Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 1. Greek HEIs in the ERA: Internationalized research and national development - the role of the University Error! Bookmark not defined.
Abstract Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction: legislative framework, structural organization and financial resources concerning research in Greece Error! Bookmark not defined.
The European Research Area Error! Bookmark not defined. Basic aggregates for Greece Error! Bookmark not defined.
Greece in the ERA: Research, Development and Innovation Error! Bookmark not defined.
Government policies regarding Research, Development and Innovation: HEIs Error! Bookmark not defined.
The institutional level: HEIs and academics' perceptions regarding research in Greece Error! Bookmark not defined.
Research staff and PhD holders in Greece: Analysis, characteristics, priorities Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 2: Internationalisation at Home: Critical Analysis of Challenges, Tensions and Obstacles in Finnish Higher Education Error! Bookmark not defined.
Abstract Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.
Background/Context Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalisation at home concept Error! Bookmark not defined.
Findings and Recommendations of MoEC report Error! Bookmark not defined.
Research design Error! Bookmark not defined.
Findings/Analysis Error! Bookmark not defined.
National Policy: Regulatory Challenges, Tensions and Obstacles Error! Bookmark not defined.
Interplay between national and institutional levels: lack of agency and incentives for internationalisation at home Error! Bookmark not defined.
Institutional Level: Operationalisation Challenges, Tensions and Obstacles Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 3: The State and its Role in the Internationalization Process of Higher Education in Argentina and the Reaction to Covid-19 Error! Bookmark not defined.
Abstract: Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalization: Concepts and Characteristics Error! Bookmark not defined.
The Argentinean University System. Basic Features Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalization of Argentinean Higher Education in Numbers Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalization Policies in Argentina. Key Process Player