"I cannot express in words how meaningful this has been... I'm so very grateful that you have created this process. I know this is a life-changing 'pivot' point for me!" -Technology Executive "I'm blown away.... I'm an avid reader and have devoured a gazillion self-help books over the years. Your work rings true." -Stay-at-home Mom When is the last time you set aside time to reflect on what you want your life to be about?
Reclaim Your Dreams provides you with the tools and a simple, elegant process to intentionally explore, identify, and take action on your boldest goals and desires using a real-life, practical approach that is doable within your busy life. It was developed from research and built upon the success of the Reclaim Your Dreams workshop series for busy women.
Through reflective, fun, and approachable Take 5 (5-15 minute) questions and exercises, you may {re}discover several dreams or become clear on one specific goal that you are ready to claim. By the end of the workbook, you will choose and take action on a meaningful dream.
Whether you feel that you have left a part of you behind, are in transition and ready for new goals, or are unsure of exactly what your dreams are, this workbook was written for you.
Thoughtfully considering and identifying bold dream(s) is often neglected in our busy lives. Yet, research shows that taking the time upfront to gain clarity on what you want your life to be about and what your goals are is powerful and life-changing.
Join other women who are creating extraordinary meaning and reclaiming their dreams and their lives. Those bold dreams buried deep within your heart are wondering what you are waiting for.
Join us at www.paulagrieco.com
#reclaimyourdreams #reclaimyourlife
About the Author: Paula Grieco is an author, entrepreneur, and former technology executive.
Her work is focused on empowering women and girls to live consciously and take action on bold dreams and what matters most, using a real-life approach.
Her life-changing flagship program, Reclaim Your Dreams uses a simple, elegant and intentional process to help busy women create extraordinary meaning and reclaim their dreams and their lives.
She is the co-founder of the What's Your Brave project, author of Take 5 for Your Dreams for teen girls and Reclaim Your Dreams: A Workbook for Busy Women.