Rebuilding the United States is a cohesive, common sense based list of improvements for the United States of America. The ultimate purpose is to improve the health and success of the American Middle Class. By extension, if these goals are realized, the American Dream may once again be enjoyed by the majority of Americans, not just the elite.
Some people might suggest that America is doing fine and doesn't need to be rebuilt. But, there are too many statistics, graphics, general information, empirical observations and warning signs, which conflict with that belief. And, if nothing else, I doubt many would argue that there isn't plenty of room for improvement.
We've all heard the statistics of the decline of the American Middle Class and the associated rise of the income gap. We watched the recent efforts of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement. Many of us hoped something productive would result in spite of the lack of cohesive focus, but the movement fizzled without any lasting result. Generally, we felt they were touching on something truly wrong with America, but, like their effort, it all seemed too large and nebulous to directly confront, or solve.
The basis for this nebulous problem is directly related to the solution: our American Principles. Specifically, Justice for ALL, which is being fundamentally eroded and diminished by the successful efforts of Special Interest groups. The key to the success of these Special Interest groups is utilizing the Achilles Heel of America; money. This leverages our politicians away from the general good and toward their specific goals.
Whereas the diminishment of our American Principles is the problem, these Principles also represent the best and strongest solution. America's greatest strength and what set her apart from the rest of the world was the introduction and application of these Principles, as designed by our Founding Fathers. The ongoing evolution of these Principles via Constitutional Amendments, has maintained our society as a healthy growing democracy with all the associated benefits. These fundamental Principles of Right vs Wrong and Justice for All provide the road map for us to follow to refocus on the American Dream and set this ship of State on her proper course.
Please read on to see what I have in mind per our Principles and good old American common sense. We can rebuild our country for our mutual benefit, including the Special Interests, since what is best for us, the average citizens, is best for them too.
Keywords: American, Political, Governmental, Social, Economic, Trade, Foreign Policy, Healthcare, Environment, Presidential Candidate