When "Rebooting.Church" (rebooting-dot-church) was first written, there was nothing about "Coronavirus" or "COVID-19" in the news. The world, and our country, were blissfully unaware of how fast life as we knew it then would soon change, and how different our world would become in just a few short months. We just could not have imagined that the world would hang up a "Closed for Business" sign and go home, and that everyone would become susceptible to a deadly new virus strain that would completely alter our day-to-day lives, including how we gather together to worship God. Who would have believed that almost all churches worldwide would cancel their weekly services and activities and essentially close their doors to a world in crisis, all in the space of just a couple of months? No one - that's who! If there is one thing we as Church-Leaders; Clergy, Laity, and all concerned Christians should all be able to agree on, it's that our churches must change - and change fast - if they are to survive and maintain their ability to continue to minister to an extremely anxious world that needs God and His Church now more than ever.
In addition to the current Coronavirus crisis, the "Graying of Church", lower attendance and reduced giving are just a few of the issues that many, if not most churches face in this new digital age they now find themselves a part of. The world has changed and at an exponential pace that many organizations, including our churches, find it difficult to comprehend, much less keep up with them. The Internet, Social-Media, Mobile Computing, Virtual-Reality, and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are just a few of the technological innovations that are rapidly changing the very fabric of our lives and communities. Organizations that can't keep up with these changes stand little chance of being successful in their missions in the 21st-Century, regardless if that mission is making money or saving souls. So, how can our churches avoid becoming "digital roadkill" especially when our church's leaders don't have the technology experience, education or perhaps all too often - the digital mindsets - to successfully shepherd their churches in this new digital world? This is why "Rebooting.Church" (rebooting-dot-church) was written!
Rebooting.Church is a primer for Church-Leaders (Clergy, Staff, Laity, Teachers, and all concerned Christians) that explains the major transformational forces at work that are critical for all churches and Church-Leaders to understand. Written in layman's terms, Rebooting.Church offers a positive, optimistic and comprehensive overview of the technologies, processes, and steps each church that each church must make if they are to survive and thrive in this new Christian Epoch of "Digital-Church." Rebooting.Church is the one book you need to read to discover the issues, information, strategies and solutions required to "future-proof" our churches, make them more relevant to more people, and to help them to attract, engage and retain the "Digital-Natives" of the Millennial and Gen-Z generations that are needed to keep their churches healthy and successful for another hundred years.
The book's author offers numerous unique and valuable insights into how the twin forces of "Exponential Change" and "Digital-Disruption" are effecting every church's future and hope for survival, as well as a better understanding of why technology adoption must become a central and urgent tool in your church's future growth. It also offers concrete ideas and suggestions of how to plan, deploy and integrate technology in order to become more productive, efficient and effective in achieving your church's mission of bringing Christ to an increasingly darker world.