REBIRTH-a Gift is a family saga captivating the reader into a drama filled story of emotional and spiritual intensity. Meticulously igniting fury, empathy, and compassion for victims of complex trauma. A woman's feminine essence is: Powerful...Beautiful... Graceful. Once intuitively true intrinsic nature and spiritual power is unleashed... becomes unstoppable! Metamorphosis into the woman always imagined despite enduring life difficulties and traumatic events is extremely overwhelming, confusing and frustrating yet an epitome of endowment. Femininity is embracing truth with humility and conquering obstacles with an intriguing ferocity. Resilience is hidden behind the veil...the mask of disguise...adorned as protection.
Presumptive, a celebrated woman has reached the highest elevation despite reflecting a shield and covering of pride, mirroring the feminine nature of broken silhouettes. Three pillars of transformation and restoration are: Conception...Travail...Birth interrupts the cycle of barrenness and stagnation, and are profound encounters of symbolic spiritual conversion and awakening. Opal, the main character, experiences excruciating life provocations discovering truth and destiny. Toxic fear of a tormenting past and uncertain future, Opal seethes with an anguished fury surviving a highly dysfunctional narcissistic family's deceptive disillusionment, hiding behind...masks of destruction...residing in the highly cultural and vivacious city of New Orleans, Louisiana. A frail humanity is an inspirational Gumbo of opportunity.
Spiritual energy of ancestral power vibrates through the Dubar's lineage, generational curse protected by a supernatural diabolical power and stronghold, and to maintain dominance is a natural humanistic state of permanence. Exposure and defeat is a Dark Triad's, sociopathic and narcissistic psychological distortional illusion of perfection, worst nightmare as severe personality disordered family members are unmasked forced to reveal truth. Entangled in a covert web of deception, lies and secrets Opal battles reality and identity. A fragile soul shatters into a million pieces enduring a predestined rhythmic dance of betrayal, and thrust into an engagement of tumultuous spiritual warfare training at conception. Enduring a tedious process and equipping of a strategic Divine assignment as a spiritually trained assassinator Opal's perseverance is for the annihilation of a hereditary adversary sent to...still... kill...and destroy an influential destiny.
Phoenix rises from the ashes, a divided personality as a coping mechanism, Opal discovers friendship with self. Revealed as angelic assistance, Opal is intuitively empathic, internally struggles with desires of vengeance as an endearing vessel predestined for transcendence. Psychological and spiritual transformation of an Empath is an agonizing and healing process. Despite anguished suffering Opal prevails through rejection and interjection despite an existential crisis. Discovers restorative peace, destiny, and a compelling deliverance as the most valuable humanistic spiritual state be born again. Divine conversance selected for retribution of the human spirit into an angelic creation with feminine immanence is powerful...resilient...phenomenal!
God, the Infinite One and Eternal Spirit, has chosen souls for edification to: Triumph...Transform...Transition. Transcendence is an existence or experience beyond the normal physical level into a superior state, and a second chance to receive a supernatural humanistic elevation. Symbolic of transformative femininity, angelic wings is a celebration of a Divinely created phenomenon, to fly as a dove in captivating purity and love rising into the true embodiment of feminine empowerment. Acceptance of a celestial universal gift to ascend is a beautiful choice. It is time for...Rebirth!