Central Asia has been experiencing an increase or activation of radical Islamic movements over the last decade or so. These complex processes include increasing urbanization, institutional and individual corruption, the growing gap between rich and poor, the inability of the state to provide security, corruption in the law enforcement agencies, poor functioning of the state religious bodies, inefficient power structures, limited scope for citizens to influence decision-making, all which result in lower trust in the authorities as well as other factors. The authoritarian regimes of Central Asia gave rise to boiling anger and discontent among their populations. For people unable to defend their rights and interests, religion might be seen as a way out of this situation. Kazakhstan, the most stable and safe country in the region, witnessed a series of alleged extremist terrorist acts since 2011. Historic roots and identity of "Kazakh Islam," the nature of connection and influence reaching Kazakhstan from neighboring North Caucasus and Afghanistan and how it affects radicalization of the youth, and reasons for misleading assumptions are analyzed so as to identify how Kazakhstan is viewed from the outside world. State structures and the role of the state overseeing issues regarding Islam and its practices, with attention to banned extremist groups, their specifics, and the country's experience of political violence in years 2011-12, as well as the state's response to the acts of violence, are discussed.Audience: The authors' analysis in this work results with a presentation to readers with a sober and genuine view of the security challenges stemming from radical Islam, in the context of identifying numerous barriers standing in the way of tipping the growing numbers of the Kazakhstan's youth into transnational radical Islamist movements. United States military leaders, national security strategists, law enforcement teams and task forces, policy analysts, lawmakers, and others concerned with the international youth experience and acts of violence, including terrorism, and suicide bombings taking place in Central Asia as they migrate into the radical Islamic movements will benefit from this volume. Students considering research about Islamic studies, International Politics, Global Affairs, National Security, and Psychology/Social Sciences degree programs that may address this topic may also find some insights from this text that explores the youth violence situation in Kazakhstan and its impact on the world.
Other products pertaining to this topic that may be of interest include the following:
Countering Radicalization and Recruitment to Al-Qaeda: Fighting the War of Deeds can be found at this link: https: //bookstore.gpo.gov/products/sku/008-000-01113-3
United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 15060, House Report No. 615, Al-Qaeda, the Many Faces of an Islamist Extremist Threat can be found at this link: https: //bookstore.gpo.gov/products/sku/552-109-00130-5
Al-Qaida After Ten Years of War: A Global Perspective of Successes, Failures, and Prospects --print format can be found at this link: https: //bookstore.gpo.gov/products/sku/008-055-00248-6 --ePub format can be found at this link: https: //bookstore.gpo.gov/products/sku/999-000-44442-9
Armed Groups: Studies in National Security, Counterterrorism, and Counterinsurgency-- print format can be found at this link: https: //bookstore.gpo.gov/products/sku/008-020-01573-3 --eBook format can be found at this link: https: //bookstore.gpo.gov/products/sku/999-000-44446-9
United States Code, 2012 Edition, V. 16, Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse, Sections 2151-End can be found at this link: http: //bookstore.gpo.gov/products/sku/052-001-00633-0
New Approaches to Nonstate Armed Actors can be found at this link: https: //bookstore.gpo.gov/products/sku/008-000-01066-8
About the Author: ABOUT THE AUTHORS:
ZHULDUZ BAIZAKOVA is Research affiliate to the Institute for Security and Cooperation Studies of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. She served for 7 years in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including a foreign posting to the United Kingdom. She is currently specializing in security and environmental issues of the Central Asian region. Ms. Baizakova holds an M.Sc. degree in international security and global governance from the Birkbeck College, University of London.
ROGER N. MCDERMOTT has specialized in Russian and Central Asian defense and security studies. He is an Adjunct Fellow of the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC; Affiliated Senior Analyst, Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen; and Senior International Fellow, Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth.