Many crystal books contain information on single crystals... listing the vibrational uses which a specific crystal is believed, or has been found, to have... and much of this information has passed down to us, in our present time, from various ancient mystical and magical traditions across the millennia. This is the single crystal tradition.A few crystal books, published in recent decades, gives specific crystal layouts which can help someone tune into specific energies and frequencies. This is the multiple crystal tradition.
And now, adding to these differing traditions, Really Useful Crystals - Volume 4: Crystal Qualities for Transformation.
However, this book is also different to what has come before... and is a new and evolving path in the field of Crystal Healing & Therapy.
True, it contains 40 crystal layouts... known as Crystal Qualities
-Which are simple and straightforward to apply
-Which only require 4 crystals in their set-up
-Which allow you to tune into specific frequencies and vibrations... beneficial, positive and life-enhancing
But the main difference from what has gone before is that this book gives you crystal layouts which tune an individual into specific frequencies and vibrations... including:
-Unconditional Love
The 40 Crystal Qualities chosen for this book are ones which are considered to be the most useful and uplifting for anyone walking the path of personal and spiritual development in the 21st Century.
Plus, a number of the 40 Crystal Qualities are also Enhancers, and help to change the focus and application of other Crystal Qualities, including:
The late, great modern myth master, Joseph Campell used to say that mankind isn't looking for a meaning to life... but a feeling, positive and life-enhancing, which will give life meaning.
But the problem for many... especially at the start of the 21st Century... is that although we are all searching for such life-enhancing feelings, perhaps searching in many different areas and fields... many people just don't know how to find them... let alone how to generate those feelings for themselves... within their own Heart.
This book is one way... one path... towards showing people how to tune into these empowering feelings using crystals... a practical way to benefit and feel emotional meaning flow into your life.
Plus, if you cannot obtain the full set of crystals for any reason, this book provides additional ways that a person can tune into these specific 40 Crystal Qualities.
This is Volume 4 in the Really Useful Crystal series, which contains information which is new to the field of Crystal Healing & Therapy, a series designed to bring new information and discoveries into modern consciousness.