About the Book
Excerpt from Realencyklop�die f�r Protestantische Theologie und Kirche, Vol. 11: Konstantinische Schenkung, Luther Siouflautiuiidyc (c)�mfuug. �eite flu�gabe be� iegte� Rarl�cumer, 'der �ltefte Icp be� Ronititutum Ronitantini in 8eitgabe fur 91uboli non (R)neift, 8crlin 1888. But �cid;icbte ber llrhmbe vgl. $�flingcr, $apitfabeln bc� illittclalter6', 72 - 125; Gierfe, Semicc @enofienidmft�mbt. 8b 3. But Rtitif vgl. Non ber �lteren Bitteratur: Nice laus Cusanus, De eoncordnntia mtboliea I. III, c. 2, cd. Schmdius, Sylloge II, p. 357; 5 Ianrentius de Valla, De false credits et ementita Constantini donat.ione declamatio, editio princeps non lllricb non $utten, iltain; 1518. Mit nur 3ug�nqlid; in bcm 'jleubmd bc6 30105118 $?arcu�, Lugduni Batavomm 1620; Reginald Pocock, The te ressor of over much blaming of the Clergy, ed. Churchill Babington in Rolls Series t I �). 351 - 366; Marqu. Freber, Constantini donatio integre edita, 1610; Jean Marin, De la �livrance de 10 l'�gfise Chrestienne par l'empereur Constantin, P. III, ch. 2, 1630; Petrus de Maren, De concordia szwerdotii et imperii, I. III, c. 12, p. 15, VI, c. 6, 5 6 cd. II, $ari� 1669; Guiaeciudini, Diesertatio de origine potcetatia saecularis in Romana ecclesia 111 Herrn. Conringii De Germanorum imperio Romano �ber unus, Helmeetadii 1694; H. Altos, Do natio Constantini, Helmeetadii 1703; Cenni, Monumenta dominationis ntificiae, Romae 1760, t. I, p. 306. flu� bem legten Sabtbunbcrt vgl.: 'dh'incb, eher hie erbicbtete dxntung Stanitantin�, 23ermiicbtc $qriften, 9ubmig�burg 1826. 6. 185 ff.; Bianchi, Bella potat� e polizia della chieea V, p. L, 201; (R)�flinger, 'bapitfabeln a. A.d.; Civilt� catho lica186=1' Serie V, vol. X, p. 3o3f.; Sanu�, 93er $apit unb ba� Rouail, 2eipgig 1869; 5ergenr�tbtr, Rird;e unb Staat, 5. 360fi., 1872; Colombier s.j., Etudes religiousee t. XI, 30 p. 801fi 1877; Bonneau, La donation de Conntantin, Lisieux 1879' @melin, 'da� (R)d3en= fung�neriprednn unb hie 6: benlung $ippin� C5. 36 f., 28icn 1880; irarten�, 'die r�mic %rnge 3461, 6111119011 1881; San en in 98 1883. �b 50 413fi.; beri., @)cidy ber r�miicben kirche non Seo I. 616 ifolau� I., 724fi.; (R)rauert in 861 8b 3 3ii. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.