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Excerpt from Realencyklopädie für Protestantische Theologie und Kirche, Vol. 13: Methodismus in Amerika bis Neuplatonismus 2. 81euere (R)eiamtbearheitungen. Stevens, History of e M. E. Ch 4vols. 1864, beutfd;e Ã?earbettung in 2 $änben non 8iehtart, 1867 unb 1872 (st 1 tft hie unser hirgte lleberieÃ?ung non vol. 1, 813 2 eine 8uiammenfafiung von vols. 2 - 4 lieÃ? Dri inalö); Compendiorm History of American Methodism (illuÃ?gug aus eritgenanntem erle); berf.' A Supplementary History of American Methodism, 1899 (%ortiesnn be6 noriaen' non 1866 hat., Centenary of American Methodism. Asketch of its istory, Theo logy, Practical System and Success, 1866. $eutid;e lieberie9nng von Sarah, >8remen 1866; Scudder, American Methodism, Hartford Coon. 1868; Sarah. (R)flchlchte bee älte tbobiämué, 23h 2; hat., (R)elchicl;te bee ameriluniirhen illtetl;oblémué, Ã?remen 1870; 92aft. No 8er huntertjtihri e 23eitanb beÃ? ameril. Eliteth 1866; Porter, The Revised Compendium of Methodism, 187 berl., Comprehensive History of Methodism, 1876; Simpson, A Hundred Years of Methodism, 1876; berl.' Cyclopedia of Methodism, iÃ?l;ilabelul;ia 1876; Daniels, The Illustrated History of Methodism, 1880; Atkinson, Centennial Histo of American Methodism, 1884; Hyde, The Sie 01 Methodism, 1889; Curtiss, Man of the M. E. 25 Ch., 1893; Tigert, A Constitution History of americane isc0pal Methodism, Nashville, Teen. 1894; beri., The Malking of Methodism, 1899; Buc Icy, A History of Methodism in the United States, 2 vols., illem(R)orl 1898; The American Church History Series, vol. 1; er. Carroll, The Religions Forces of the us. P. Illem=2)ort 1893; vol. V The Methodists by J M. Buckley; vol. XI, M. E. Church, South by Gross Alexander; 90 vol. XII, United Brethren, Evan elical Association; Dorehester, Christianity in the u.s., 81em-üort 1895; ?irtilel "neth lem in Mc Clintock and Strong, Theological Encyclo pedia; 8liupolb' (c)aubbuct; ber ueueiten fiirdnngeld;lchte, 23h 4, 21merilanlfche Rit(R)engeicbichte' 99fi Eierlin 1892. 8. (R)riinbung unh 21nfänge. The Journal of the Rev. Francis Asbmy, Bishop of the M. E. Church from 1771 to 1815, 1821; Atmore, Concise History 85 of the Introduction of Methodism in America, ililand;eiter 1802; Atkinson, The Begin nin of the Wesleyan Movement in Ameriea17öö - l773, 1896; berf.' Centennial History of merican Methodism, 1784 - 1804; Phoebus, Home of Li ht on Early Methodism in America, 1887; Wakely, Loss Chapters Recovered from the rly Histo of American Methodism, 1889; Jesse Lee, A Short History of the Methodists in the 's., iiialtimore so 1810; N. Bangs, A History of the M. E. Church, 12 edition. 4 vols., 1832; Lednum' History of the Rise and Progress of Methodism, 1859; Sandford, Wesley's Missionarics to America, 1844. 4. (R)elchlchte beÃ? 211etbobiÃ?muÃ? in einzelnen Staaten. Man, Annals of New York Methodism; Rsyhold, Methodism in West Jersey, 1849; Barker, History of Ohio Methodism, 1899; Redford, . Meümdism in Kentucky, 3 vols., 45 'ralhviile 1868; Smith, Methodism in Indiana, 3nbianapoliÃ? 1879; Bennet, History of Math. In Wisconsin, 1890; Burkhead, Meth. In North Carolina, sraleigb. 1876; Day, Math. In New Providence, illemarl 1898; Jones, Neth. In Mississi pi, 87ail;ollle 1887; Me Farrin, Math. In Tennessee, 82aiboille 1869; West, Math. In Als am, 'j'laihoille. 5. $iograpÃ?ien. Jackson, Lives 01 Early Methodist Preschers, Ã?onbon 1838, Vol. III 50 enthält Die 2ebené elcl;iel;te her von %eÃ?lei; nach ?lmerila gelanbten $rebiger. 91uf 2ieran= lafiung %eälenÃ? rieben ble meiiten {einer 'brediger 2lutobiographien, welche im Arminian Magazine veröffentlicht murben; Strickland, The Pioneer Bishop, or Life und Times of Francis Asbury, 1858; Larabee, Asbury and his Coadjutors, 2 vols., 1853; Briggs, Bi. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com