About the Book
What does it mean to be a real man today? And what IS "manhood", anyway? Is it biological, cultural, spiritual...? Real Natural Manhood: The Authentic Man's Guide To Courageous Manhood In The Modern World explores the central issue at the core of any man's life - how to gracefully leave behind boyhood, immaturity and fear, and enter bravely into the boundless strength and infinite joys of manhood. Men today are lost. We can all feel that something's missing. But we're not quite sure what it is... We scavenge the past for clues that may help us unravel the mystery of manhood. But for or better of for worse, the stalwart man of the depression era belongs to the 20's. The stoic, hard-drinking post WWII gentleman of the 50's is also gone. So what about now? What about TODAY? To come into your own as a man in the modern world is perhaps more difficult than ever before. Cultures all over the world have traditionally *forced* upon their boys Rites of Passage, which were designed to bring them face to face with their own mortality and usher them, if grittily, into manhood. In the modern, developed world, we have no such rites of passage... We are brought into the world as boys and nobody ever teaches us how to make the leap to the other side - manhood. The chasm is too great, too dark, too yawning. And our fathers, our teachers, our societies have all failed to show us the way. So we look to television, to books, to the chance role models that come into our lives. And we do our BEST with what we're given. But sometimes, we need a guide to lead us up the mountain. To drag us, kicking and screaming, to the sunlit peak... And so in our eagerness, in our earnestness, we develop plenty of brute masculinity. We lift weights and learn to fight, we command impressive salaries and drive expensive cars. We may even date beautiful women. Yet the closer you look, the more apparent it becomes that something fundamental is much too frequently absent from the average man. A core, a centering, a deep trust in existence... So what then IS manhood? What is it that today's man is utterly lacking? In short, men today flow through their lives unaligned. Unaligned with their hearts, unaligned with a purpose, unaligned with the very universe they live in, itself. It's like they're lost at sea without any land on the horizon. Yet every now and then you meet a REAL man... What is it about this man that STRIKES you as so real, so natural, so compelling, so...manly? You can't quite put your finger on it. It's not that he's muscular. Or successful. And even if you sharply observe and meticulously catalog all of his qualities, the whole is somehow much greater than the sum of its parts. It's something elusive, ineffable... What is it? This is question you'll investigate in Real Natural Manhood. Here are some of the vital things you'll find out in this short but powerful book: - The ONE Question You Can Ask Yourself Today That Will Change Your Life Forever - What Defines A 'Real' Man and How Do YOU Become One? - How To Imbue Everything You Do With 'Masculine Poetry' - How To Reconcile Your Mixed Feelings About Your Family - How To Drop The Conditioning That's Keeping You Small - How To Flow With Life And Let Things Go - How To Invite Inspiring Women Along For Your Journey - How To Live In The Here And Now (A Practical Method) - How To Forgive The People Who Have Done You Wrong - How To Make Peace with The Past For Good - How To Turn Your Life Into A Suspenseful Adventure - 6 Tips To Enjoy Sex More Than Ever - How To Feel Your Emotions Fully Without Sacrificing Masculinity - Why The Hormonal Component of Manhood is Crucial ...and much more. In just over 40 dense page, you'll get the straight talk and inspiration you need to say goodbye to boyhood and enter courageously into manhood. Every journey starts with a single step. Take this one now, and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
About the Author: I'm Vincent Vinturi. While I can't honestly say I was ever AWFUL with women, I used to go for long stretches with very few women in my life. At one point I became fed up with this situation that I decided to do something about it! "I'm a man," I thought, "and men need love, intimacy, and the joys of spending time with women who excite them." After about a year of entertaining and borderline harassing girls in bars and clubs, I decided that something was 'off'. Basically, I got sick of trying to somehow *trick* girls into bed with me. And totally disillusioned, I stopped going out completely, donated my ridiculous, loud clothing to Goodwill, and started to ask myself who the hell I really am, what I want, and what makes me feel good about myself. Today, I have beautiful women in my life all the time, as I travel around the world to cities where I don't know a soul. And I rarely go to any typical nightlife spots to meet girls (I'm not a fan of bars and clubs). This is a direct consequence of asking the bigger questions and adopting the right mindsets and habits. As you can imagine, it has a profound positive impact on my quality of life. These 'natural' mindsets can be (re)learned by ANY guy. And while having great girls in your life is a pleasant side effect of this thing, stepping into a place of integrity, self-satisfaction, manhood and ultimately happiness, is where all success with women and life basically stems from. I'm still on the journey, as we all are and always will be. I make stupid mistakes all the time, blow opportunities and fumble for words, and I'm NOT some guru guy and I don't want to be. I'm just a guy doing my best and showing up in the world as authentically as I can, and that's all I want to inspire other men to do, for their sakes and for the sakes of women, who deserve real men in their lives, not some weirdo with green hair doing magic tricks to mildly entertained but mostly bored women in clubs. My work is not about 'picking up girls'. It's about *mutual* seduction and becoming an attractive human being without the lying, manipulation and misrepresentation that's polluted our interactions and taken all the frolicking out of our brief time on this earth. Let's step forward with courage and bring a new way of loving each other into this world! Thanks for stopping by! Vincent Vinturi