Real Estate For Newbie
Learn How To Change Your Life And Generate Passive Income With Real Estate
If you Want To Improve Your and Your Family's Financial Situation, Then You Should Start a Real Estate Business
This Guide Will Tell You All You Need To Know About Start With Real Estate, and Generate Passive Income
Here A Part Of What You'll Find Inside:
2 Ways to Create Real Estate Market
When a borrower takes out a 30 year mortgage and puts 20% down, he automatically understands he is putting a lot of money into the purchase of his new home. Still, this may not be exactly true. The fact is that, often times, the government really is providing a good service.
Let's look at 2 ways that our " SOLD" Guaranteed Investment Program (G.I.S.T.I.M) came in handy:
A. In the case of a builder/developer who may have qualified a buyer at $130,000.00 ( barely a 5% down payment on a $100,000.00 home) and the person did not close on the deal. It is quite possible he will go back to builder who accepted all that crap five years ago. The NAR (National Association of Realtors) did Estimates as low as $50,000.00 down especially recently with respect to a builder who had just put together a million-dollar community.
B. As the circumstances were changing and the potential to re-sell the property in question grew further away, the authority chose to step in and guarantee the property to the buyer at $135,000.00 on a $100,000.00 purchase by the original purchaser. This guaranteed investment is paid monthly for the life of the loan, but can be paid off in full within seven to ten years instead of twenty. The buyer may want to do that also but it may have a diminishing benefit in the event the property does not sell for a $100,000.00 net profit.
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