You're a teacher. Davening time has begun. You look around the classroom, hoping today will be different. But it isn't. One student is on the wrong page, and two have not even opened their Siddurim. The others mumble their way through the words, weak voices faltering. They may be going through the motions, but your students look as if they'd rather be asleep.
This is not how it's meant to be.
Davening, prayer, is a 'service of the heart'. It's meant to be alive. It's meant to be passionate. It's meant to be exciting.
With Ready, Set, Daven!, you can infuse your students-and yourself-with bite-sized doses of inspiration every morning. Based on Torah and Chassidic sources, this journal is a 180-day journey to transform and uplift the soul. Stories, fun parables, and tidbits of information challenge the reader to think and internalize the 'soul' of davening.
Students will have the opportunity to personalize their davening experience through writing prompts and creative entries. As facilitators, teachers are encouraged to engage their class in discussion on the topics, inviting students to ask questions and share thoughts.
The presentation and format of the material in this journal is geared towards upper elementary age students, but the content is applicable to all.
Real Feedback from Real Students:
"It made me feel that Hashem is always listening."
"Since we've started using Ready, Set, Daven!, I daven with way more energy!"
"It was incredible to see how we all began with the same prompt and came up with 17 different answers, each with what it meant to us."
"It made it real for me. Almost every day while I was davening, I had that day's davening journal page in mind. It kept me going."
"Before we did Ready, Set, Daven!, I just thought of davening as another thing you need to do everyday. But as we were going through the book I realized how powerful and special davening is, and I started davening better, with more kavana."
"It changed my life and how I saw things. It made me a new person... it really impacted my davening every day!"
"It made me realize that I can ask Hashem for whatever I want, and even if I don't get it right away, He is still listening."