Book 3 is a conclusion of a story of ordinary people in extra-ordinary times. We were not victims of war, famine or pestilence, we never experienced the holocaust, slavery, and never personal experienced any major flood, hurricane or fire. None of our ancestors were important people and none of our relatives were rich or famous; but we still have a story to tell.
Our family moves to West Salem Ohio, the husband having a job with a company that sprayed weeds in industrial sites and planning to expand their territory; the wife hoping that he would tend to business and be the husband and father she always believed him to be. The children grow up and go on to their own lives, with their own stories to tell.
Patricia was born in Jamaica, Long Island, New York in 1934, to middle class parents. Eighteen months later a sister was born. Dad worked in the Brooklyn shipyards during the war and was a plumber by trade. Mom was a stay at home mom.
Pat married at an early age and had two boys when her husband decided he wanted to farm so they moved to Union Dale, Pennsylvania in the coal mining areas of the Appalachian Mountains. There two daughters were born. There were several moves after that, each with its own story.
Pat considers herself an autodidact. She had a desire to write at an early age but did not have the time to pursue it except for editing monthly newsletters and covering town meetings for the local newspaper at various times and places.
After the children were grown she lived in San Diego for 30 years and recently came back to Ohio to be near her children.
This book, the last of the trilogy, depletes the box of old letters, the promise is fulfilled; the books have been written.