About the Book
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1904 edition. Excerpt: ... Fidgets in insomnia, 1070. in neurasthenia, 1061. Filiform douche, 485. Finkler on alternate bath, 312. Finland, Russian bath in, 699. sweating bath in, 719. Finsen on light, 721. on smallpox, 171. on tuberculosis, 721. Flatulence, 481, 482, 510, 832, 836, 838, 850, 1033. in hyperpepsia, 1033. Fleming on Turkish bath and water drinking, 922. Flesh, reduction of, 598. Fleury, 95, 126. reflex relationships, 937. Flint, Austin, 306, 924. Fluxion, 242, 729. effects of cold massage douche, 490. Fog douche, 486. Fomentations, 612, 791. to abdomen, 311. analgesic effects, 797-9. calorific effects of, 259. combined with electric current, 941. contraindications, 810. derivative effects. 798. to epigastrium, 239. excitant effects, 796. over liver, 239. method, 792. mustard, 814. physiological effects, 796. requisites, 792. to spine, ill, 802. therapeutic applications, 798. 1-onssagrives, 279. Food, heat value of, 77. regurgitations of, 850. Foot, neuralgia of, 758. Foot bath, alternate, 758. cold, 753. cold, contraindications for, 754. cold, physiological effects, 754. cold, therapeutic applications, 754. flowing, contraindications, 756. flowing, therapeutic applications, 756. hot, 756. hot, emmenagogic effects of. 240. hot, physiological effects, 757. hot, therapeutic applications, 757. running, or flowing, 755. shallow, 75s. Foot douche, 462, 501. Foot pack, 853, 880. therapeutic applications, 880. Forges on drug asphyxia, 779. Fractures, 800, 1100. Franck, experiments of, 116. Friction areas, Dana, 677. bath, cold, 301. cold, 197, 203. 259, . 446. 632, 633, 637. 642-7. 827, 837. 42. with cold baths, 950. cold, contraindications, 647. cold, method, 643. cold, physiological effects, 644. cold, requisites, 643. cold, therapeutic applications. 645...