This book is unlike any other that you have read on the Rapture. You will find this to be the most comprehensive, persuasive, and convincing book you will ever have the opportunity to read on this very important subject.
Your questions shall be conclusively answered to your complete satisfaction on this topic. You will not go away thinking this is just one more person's opinion and general interpretation. You will be overwhelmingly persuaded as the Scriptures speak for themselves by taking the actual over the explanation and fact over opinion.
You will not find a masking of the oppositions claims and viewpoints, but an exposing of this whole theory for what is really is...baseless and scriptureless. You do not have to be some type of Bible scholar to easily understand the verifiable and irrefutable evidence of what the complete truth really is.
There is absolutely nothing that pretribists can offer to counter what is written in this book
With all due respect, I would challenge Tim LaHaye, Hal Lindsey, Jack Van Impe, John Hagee, Billye Brim, Les Feldick, Perry Stone, Grant Jeffrey, Chuck Missler, David Jeremiah, or another proclaimed eschatology scholar to legitimately refute and/ or discredit any statement made in this book (even to their own satisfaction). I do not believe they would ever again teach the Rapture as being a matter of fact once they have read this book.
Nor do I believe anyone would choose to be "willingly ignorant" (2 Pet. 3:5) or "deceived" (Matt. 24:4) regarding His coming (which we are repeatedly warned against), with the attitude of "my mind is made up and I choose not to be confused with the facts" (Matt. 24:37).
After you have read the rest, look from the east to the west!
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