Do You Want To Lose Weight In A Stress-Free, Definitive Way?
There's not to deny it, trying to lose weight can be a long and demanding journey. If you've tried and failed to lose weight before, you probably know how frustrating it can be, especially when you're feeling stress, low self-esteem and boredom. The purpose of weight loss hypnosis is to make you feel confident about your body, change any negative thoughts about eating and help you lose weight responsibly without affecting your emotional well-being. The health of your mind is the first step to regenerate your body in a steady and natural way. However, if you're looking for a stiff theoretical handbook, it would be better to look elsewhere, in this guide you will find much more.
Here are the 9 things this book will do for you. In detail, you will:
✓ Discover how hypnosis is the perfect tool to re-educate your unconscious mind, which is the part that creates desires and impulses, obtaining stable and effortless results.
- Learn to consider your body as a mental garment that can be cared for and developed
- Find out everything no one has ever told you about diets, the reason for their use and their long-term ineffectiveness
- Understand how to recognize the differences between emotional impulses and real hunger bites to stop binge eating
✓ Find out how to use your creative visualization to create a new image of yourself, achieve goals in a natural way and get into the habit of happiness.
- Acquire effective practical methods to eliminate emotional scars and build your life on a new awareness
- Follow a daily program that will lead you to use the power of thought at your own advantage
- Learn simple calming techniques to reduce or eliminate your reaction to sabotaging external influences
✓ Discover dozens of practical exercises to re-establish contact with yourself by improving your relationship with food. All the methods illustrated in this book are the result of research carried out in the field for several years in collaboration with psychologists, researchers, and other experts.
- Listen to more than a hundred positive affirmations to improve your body's mental image
- Enjoy Guided meditations composed by experts in mental reconditioning to balance your emotional needs
- Learn the importance of breathing as a form of nutrition by practicing specific mindfulness for weight loss
Even if you have never been able to follow a diet for more than a week, in this guide you will be taken by the hand along a natural and stress-free approach to quickly losing your weight. Hypnosis will help you introduce a healthier lifestyle faster and easier than you imagine. So, if you feel that there is nothing more you can do to help you lose weight and improve your overall health and well-being, then look no further. The body of your dreams is a click away.
Are you ready to start?
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