You Are A Step Away From Discovering The Ins And Outs Of The Art Of Raising Pastured Rabbits For Meat, Fur Or As Pets!
Rearing rabbits make a lot of sense in so many ways compared to chicken. Yes, I know chicken do produce tasty eggs and meat, but rabbits also produce equally if not better tasting meat, fur and much more.
What's more; bunnies are in many ways easier to keep and maintain than chicken, are far less messy than chicken, yield ready-to compose compost, are pretty easier to keep and house, don't require too much space, are not noisy and disruptive, naturally grow super-fast (without any hormones), multiply fast and much more!
The $44 billion broiler chicken industry is big, but these are benefits it can't compete with, as these are all perfect ingredients for anyone wishing to raise high-quality animals in small spaces without needing too much maintenance work - a perfect recipe for the modern busy farmer who has a million and one other things to juggle with!
Perhaps any one of these reasons has piqued your interest to rear rabbits and like any curious beginner, you are wondering...
Where do you begin?
How do you rear rabbits for business?
How do you even start keeping rabbits in your homestead - what should you consider?
How is an ideal rabbit hutch supposed to look like? How do you create one?
What do rabbits eat and what do they hate?
Is it possible to detect all health problems in rabbits and address them in a timely fashion? If so, how?
What are the things I need to do to ensure my rabbits are happy and active?
If I'm not right, I'm pretty close!
Yes, rabbits make perfect pets and can be great for business and this book will show you how to rear them like a pro.
More precisely, you will learn:
- How to raise rabbits for business, including the right way to raise them on a communal farm, on your property, legal considerations, involving neighbors and more
- Important considerations you should make before starting, including determining how many you should keep, selecting a breed, slaughter and disposal, cost and profit potential and more
- Reasons why you should raise rabbits and how to setup your own rabbit hobby farm
- How to plan your rabbitry, including key points to consider
- The ins and outs of building different kinds of hutches using different kinds of materials
- How to feed and water the rabbits the right way
- The ins and outs of rabbit breeding and healthcare
- How do deal with behavioral issues that may end up being problematic
- How to housetrain your rabbit the easy way
- How to keep the rabbit busy and engaged with secret 'rabbit games'
- Answers to commonly asked questions about taking care of a rabbit
- The ins and outs of different breeds of rabbits raised for different purposes - and how to raise them
- How to understand rabbit language and use that information appropriately
- Detecting or interpreting common problems or features
...And much, much more!
Even if this is the first time owning a rabbit, this book is weaved for beginners, so you can expect to have an easy time with it!
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