Another book with a different look at the newness that is coming our way. Has anyone asked you about a "face diaper?" If you need to wear a scarf to hide your smile, make sure you have anti-fogging spray for your glasses because you might need it to read this book! This book is full of developments that need to be promoted to keep our children afloat.
As in the last book, Eating in the New World Order, raising our children is almost as important. Firstly, we must have food, water and a small circle of friends who remain friendly. Secondly, we need to raise kids that will not cut the cord to our life support systems, in more ways than one. We are told that "drinking is wrong, spanking is bad, and children need to be in state-run schools" because they know best, those there authorities. Well, I am not sure that "they" do know best, because we seemingly are falling apart, as a society. And if not, we are surely putting a bunch of pressure on the seams of the flag, that they stuffed with an abundance of stupidity.
Children are small, and can't live by themselves in the woods. Parents are bigger and can, if need be, teach the youngsters the right, and most righteous things that should be done. This book reviews the stuff your grandparents were made of, and the virtuous baggage that got tossed out with the bathwater.
From the author of KAKO HellCniht, A Demon Speaks - an allegorical book about the current failure of our time. In a time where we are told what to think, what to wear and how far we need to stay away from our families and friends, we need a sensible and sober review of information that allows us to realize that rationality is still possible.
In a world guided by the politically immature, we need the maturation, sophistication, and cleverness of the colossal research inside this book. If you have children, talked with a child, or even have seen them out in public, this is a needed resource to help you interact. If you can see through the vapors wafting past your vision, put the processed pages of this book where your mouth is, like a N95 virus protector, but with much greater appeal.