Learn how to nurture your highly sensitive child by elevating their strengths and navigating their differences.
Does your child often experience meltdowns or have trouble with highly stimulating environments? Or maybe they are highly intuitive and empathetic? These traits could all be signs that your child is highly sensitive.
While being highly sensitive is a personality trait rather than a psychological disorder, your child may develop other disorders, such as anxiety or depression, more easily.
Luckily, you can help guide them through their feelings once you understand what they are experiencing. You are not alone; 15-20% of children are highly sensitive, with many being misunderstood as simply fussy or introverted.
Katherine Guzman is an authority on the subject after raising a highly sensitive child. Through years of learning about this strong personality trait, they are ready to share their knowledge with you.
Katherine has the answers you need, as a parent who is enthusiastic about learning how to effectively raise mentally strong and healthy children.
You and your child can learn to expertly manage your child's meltdowns and other unusual feelings.
If you are ready to help your child navigate their differences and help them thrive by learning their strengths, then you need to read Raising a Highly Sensitive Child.
Learning whether your child is highly sensitive will not only help them live a more fulfilling life while growing into healthy adults, but you as a parent will benefit as well.
You will learn how to deal with your child's seemingly uncontrollable meltdowns and strong personalities.
You will be given the tools to navigate their traits and help them use them to their advantage rather than being held back by what can be seen as weaknesses to others.
Your child has exceptional abilities that they can utilize if they are given the correct tools to do so. You can help them see these strengths.
Inside Raising a Highly Sensitive Child, you will learn: