This year, 2018, is the 100th Year of the R.A.F. It also marks the 75th Anniversary of RAF No.100 (Bomber Support) Group under Bomber Command, without which we would not have won the Second World War. Still relatively unknown, hundreds of men and women were involved, feeding and receiving information to and from Bletchley Park and the Y-Service, with airmen flying operations deep into the heart of Germany.
By Autumn/Winter 1942, air battles over Germany were critical. Losses of RAF bombers was at an all-time high against increasing effectiveness of the German Air Defence system. Something drastic was called for, which came in the form of this specialist Group. Formed in November 1943, RAF No.100 (Bomber Support) Group was based on airfields across Norfolk. While its people remained within the main RAF, they were set apart from it; specially chosen for unique, secret operations which ultimately defeated the enemy. The U.S. 36th Bomb Squadron, 8th Air Force, brought vital aircraft from the States, living and working alongside RAF 100 Group, flying combined operations, identifying and jamming enemy Radar, mis-directing potential attacks and targets, working with the Resistance, dropping and collecting SOE Agents, and so much more.
This evocative book evidences the impact RAF 100 Group had in the global theatre of war, offering a unique and telling insight into what was happening prior to its inception. It is written as an urgent response to veterans who survived the war, and those who have taken their secrets to the grave, letting them know we admire and respect them. To their families and friends seeking answers to what a loved one did in wartime, it offers a fascinating glimpse into times past, asking that finally we give recognition and reward so richly deserve.
The book includes rare RAF 100 Group photographs, maps, diagrams, illustrations of the day.
We WILL Remember Them!