Do you ever wonder what your kids are going to grow up to be?
In this day and age, parents often wonder what their precious children will grow up to be. Influences like television, school, friends, family, and sometimes role models can fail them. However, one thing is certain- we can put our trust in the One who created all of us. We can build hope, faith, and trust in God. He will never leave or forsake us! (1 Kings 8:57)
In this book children can create a better relationship with their parents, but ultimately both ("children and parents") can see, learn, and draw closer to God in a whole new way. In addition, learn how to stay very physical fi t. "Together your family as a unit will flourish with blessings and love."
Al D. Wordly Sr., P.T.A., TH., is the prestigious author of Spiritual and Physical Fitness, C.E.O of _ e Radical Phat-Krusher Productions, Co-author, Co-book producer and in addition, has written many more amazing books. He is living proof of staying Spiritually and Physically fi t in order to maintain a healthy Spiritual and Physical lifestyle. In his free time, he enjoys conversing with family, kids, women and men, making them feel so extraordinary. Currently, he's working on projects to better people lives before GOD and on a personal level. He's continuing striving to the top...
visit and see more at: theradicalphatkrusher.com