This book was written as an exploration of spiritual truth about life, love, and God in our daily life beyond what is commonly known. Often basic truths that elude the human eye. In this book are articles with tips and strategies that help one gain more insight into day-to-day spirituality around us. As we grow in our awareness, we will begin to awaken to the fact that each aspect of our outer life has an attendant spiritual side, which is the higher version of the reality of its physical counterpart. We come to learn, with more in-depth understanding, that our outer conditions are, for better or worse, for the most part, a product of our beliefs, thoughts, actions, choices predicated on our state of consciousness from which stem our attitudes. Thus, awakening our awareness can sharpen our perception of life around us, resulting in a better understanding of life. With better understanding comes an upgrade in our attitude, which can lead to a transformation of our life, improvement in our thinking, feelings, choices we make, which can result in a life of joy, freedom, love, wisdom, inner peace, and fulfillment. We owe it to ourselves to make our lives better.
Bear in mind that no matter how good you are, there's always room to get better, wiser, stronger, and more fulfilled than you are today. And since God is eternal and works through all of us, irrespective of one's religion, race, or socioeconomic standing, each person we meet knows something we don't know, thus learning never ends. Therefore, the quest, consciously or unconsciously, for ultimate spiritual truth is endless.
Hopefully, the wisdom interlaced in this book helps give you a higher perspective about how spirit interweaves into the fabric of our day-to-day life, gradually lifting us to a higher version of ourselves.