A Quest for Excellence is about transformational organizational change in the local development NGO sector. With more than fifteen years' experience in development project management, author Rehema C. Batti presents insights and advice based on field experiences observing and working with local NGOs in developing countries.
The purpose of this book is to examine elements that create and sustain high-performing NGOs from an organizational management and development perspective.
Batti begins by locating the goalposts. A high-performing NGO has the capacity to adapt and be responsive to changes in its internal and external environments. The organization continuously improves its core competencies, has an empowered and professional workforce, and has the capacity to sustain performance over time. In addition, the organization ensures strong performance with the adoption of competitive strategies.
Each chapter discusses how NGOs can achieve these goals by bringing together enhancements in the following aspects of their management:
- Strategic leadership
- Knowledge management
- Organizational communication
- Entrepreneurial behavior
- Organizational governance
- Internal sustainability management
- Passion to excel
Emphasizing the need for responsive structures and practices, A Quest for Excellence provides a thought-provoking perspective on how local NGOs can truly make a difference.
About the Author: Rehema C. Batti works with leaders and their organizations to improve performance by helping them explore and define their strategic focus, enhance their leadership, nurture cultures that drive innovation, and improve project performance and quality management.
She is a practicing project management professional who seeks to support nonprofit organizational transformation.
Her deep insights are derived from fifteen-plus years' exposure to challenges and successes in the development profession in positions that include development facilitator, program manager, divisional manager for capacity development, international program manager, and design, monitoring, and evaluation advisor.
She is the author of three books:
- Strengthening Local NGOs Internal Capacity: Experiences from the Field
- Community-Based Partnerships: Nurturing Strategic NGO Collaboration
- A Quest for Excellence: Building High-Performance NGOs