About the Book
What does it mean to work towards our liberation? How can we center and make space for ourselves and others?How is nonhuman animal liberation part of our own fight for queer rights?
With a focus on building bridges between movements and dismantling hierarchies between oppressed groups through consistent anti-oppression, "Queer and Trans Voices: Achieving Liberation Through Consistent Anti-Oppression" follows the concise and to-the-point style of resource activist and author Julia Feliz Brueck.
In this volume, Feliz Brueck and queering activist-scholar Zoie (Zane) McNeill collaborate to raise the voices of LGBTQIA+ vegans across the world working to acknowledge the interconnections between social justice groups in order to consistently and effectively achieve liberation for all.
Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Julia Feliz Brueck is a resource activist, writer, illustrator, and educator with a focus on consistent anti-oppression advocacy.
Zoie (Zane) McNeill is a queer scholar, activist, and artist heralding from the hollers of West Virginia.
"With a refreshing mix of personal stories and accessible scholarship this book makes a most compelling case for how forms of human and nonhuman animal oppressions and exploitations are all a part of the same interconnected, historical web of violence. One cannot come away from reading this strident book without understanding that liberation for one really does require liberation for all. Activists, scholars, artists, and students will all find something in this poignant, passionate, and comprehensively researched book. Decolonize your mind and body - read this book."
-Karen M. Morin, author of Carceral Space, Prisoners and Animals
"If you care about any singular social justice cause, this book will make the case for why and how anti-oppression work is interconnected at its root and can't be spliced or divided. Single-issue activism needs to be put behind us and Julia and Zane deftly exemplify how to do this."
-Aryenish Birdie, Executive Director of Encompass
"This is a powerful and heartfelt collection of essays that seeks to redefine the field of animal rights. Building on a generation of eco-feminist writing, the collection of essays are often personal and provide a set of narratives that challenge one's assumptions about gender, race, privilege and animals. The book is also at its best when it reminds us to challenge constructions about what is "natural" and to avoid the temptation to treat individuals as aberrant and responsible for violence towards humans and animals. This collection of essays has changed the way I will teach animal law."
-Justin Marceau, co-editor of Carceral Logics: Human Incarceration and Animal Confinement
"This powerful work constitutes an important contribution to the struggle for peace and justice by revealing how denying the oppression of LGBTQIA+ peoples is inextricably linked to challenging the oppression of all exploited humans and other animals. This book is must reading for everyone working for a just and sustainable world."
-David A. Nibert, author of Animal Oppression and Human Violence: Domesecration, Capitalism, and Global Conflict
"This is a fascinating and timely intervention into the fields of queer studies and critical animal studies, which delves deeply into the nexus between veganism and queer & trans identity and politics. The book offers an impressive range of highly reflexive scholarly and activist perspectives on veganism, animal liberation and other liberation struggles all through an explicitly intersectional queer lens...At a time where liberation struggles are so often pitted against one another, a book like this represents a brilliant example of the radical potential of joined up anti-oppressive thinking. Highly recommended."
-Dr. N. Stephens Griffin, author of Understanding Veganism