About the Book
Presently, quantum computers and quantum IT remains in its pioneering stage, while obstacles are being surmounted that will provide the knowledge needed to thrust quantum computers up to their rightful position as the fastest computational machines in existence.
Quantum computation has its origins in highly specialized fields of theoretical physics, but its future undoubtedly lies in the profound effect it will have on the lives of all mankind. Combined with nanotechnology it is bound to create miracles not only in physics but in biosciences as well.
The volumes examine the current status of developments and look closely at the fusion of Quantum Computing and Molecular Manufacturing, and the prospects it will create for the mankind.
Students and researchers will find these volumes as invaluable for regular referencing.
About the Contents:
Quantum Computing, Nano-Computing and Nanotechnology
The Future Quantum Computing
Quantum Computing: Concept, Introduction and Evolution
Introduction to Evolution of Computation Science
Classical Information Theory
Measures of Information, Data Compression, The Binary Symmetric Channel, and Error-Correcting Codes.
Classical Theory of Computation
Universal Computer; Turing Machine, Computational Complexity, and Uncomputable Functions.
Quantum Physics Verses Classical Physics
EPR Paradox, Bell's Inequality.
Quantum Information
Qubits, Quantum Gates, No Cloning, Dense Coding, Quantum Teleportation, Quantum Data Compression, and Quantum Cryptography.
Concept of the Universal Quantum Computer
Universal Gate, and Church-Turing Principle.
Quantum Algorithms
Simulation of Physical Systems, Period Finding and Shor's Factorisation Algorithm, and Grover's Search Algorithm.
Experimental Quantum Information Processors
Ion Trap, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, and High-Q Optical Cavities.
Quantum Error Correction
Logical Structure of Mathematics and Quantum Computing
Figures and Tabular References for Chapter 1 to 10
Quantum Computer : Practicality, Power and Reliability
Pros and Cons of Quantum Computing
Do We Want to Build One?, Can We Build One?, How will We Build One?, and Quantum Computing at the Fin De Sicle.
What makes Quantum Computers Powerful?
Reliable Quantum Computers
The Golden Age of Quantum Error Correction, The Laws of Fault-Tolerant Computation, Example: Steane's 7-qubit Code, Fault-Tolerant Recover, Fault-Tolerant Quantum Gates, The Accuracy Threshold for Quantum Computation, Fault-Tolerant Factorization, Plumbing Quantum Leaks, and Dream Machine.
Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation
The Need for Fault Tolerance, Quantum Error Correction: The 7-qubit Code, Fault-Tolerant Recover, Fault-Tolerant Quantum Gates, The Accuracy Threshold for Quantum Computation, Error Models, and Topological Quantum Computation.
Quantum Gates, Quantum Circuits and Algorithms
Addressing Quantum Gates and Circuits
Historical Survey of Elementary Gates, Another Use of the XOR Universality for Quantum Gates, and Gate Constructions for Quantum Error Correction.
Quantum Algorithms and the Fourier Transform
Some Notation, Early Days, Simon's Algorithm, Shor's Algorithm, The Fourier Transform on an Abelian Group, Efficient Computation of the Fourier Transform, Kitaev's Algorithm, and How to Measure the Eigenvalues of U
Quantum Algorithms Revisited
Deutsch's Problem, Generalisations of Deutsch's Problem, Another Look at the Quantum Fourier Transform, A Scenario for Estimating Arbitrary Phase, The Order-Finding Problem, and Generating Arbitrary Interference Patterns.
Quantum Computers in Nanostructured World
Quantum Computing and Computers in a Sub-atomic World
The Massive Computation Power, Today's Quantum Computers, Quantum Computers, Example: A One-Bit Computer, Some Approaches to Search, Motivation, A Search Algorithm, Average Behavior of the Algorithm, and Random 3SAT.
Computation, Molecular Expressions and Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics, The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation, Units, Symbols and Notations, Notations, Iterative Scheme, Hartree-Fock-Roothaan Implementation, Basis Functions-Basis Sets, Gaussian-Type Orbitals, Electron Correlation, Configuration Interaction, Review of Perturbation Theory, Electron Correlation via. Perturbation Theory, Size Consistency, Derivatives of the Energy, Density Functional Theory (DFT), Exchange (and) Correlation Functionals, and The Car-Parrinello Method.
New Capabilities and Component Architectures of Quantum Chemistry
Introduction, Overview of Component Architectures, High-Level Quantum Chemistry Components, Components for better Resource Utilization, and Low-level Quantum Chemistry Components.
Supplementary Glossary
About the Author: Stuart Rawstern
Stuart Rawstern, is a Quantum Physicist, specializing in computational discipline. As for now, many laboratories all over the world are currently trying to create large-scale quantum computers. As chief of his Laboratory R&D at Quantum Corporation, he believes "Quantum computers, if ever built, will be