With reference to the book's cover, the reader must see the quantum of all energy levels and all its possible dimensions, as a watershed in-between the time and/or space subdimensions (microworld) and the fully expanded dimension (macroworld). In its entirely expanded physical dimension, the quantum of all energy levels covers an area at 360 degrees with diameter of 299 millions 792 thousands 458 metres.
I must also say that in the cover, the reader is confronted with ten new physical entities as building blocks of a new physics. They are: (1) the cone-like figure to describe properly and adequately the electromagnetic spectrum, (2) the new and rightful presence of cosmic rays as an integral part of the electromagnetic spectrum, (3) the implied presence of time and space as physical products of nature, (4) the implied physical process of creation, (5) the creative nonlinear field, (6) the watershed in the 1-millimetre wavelenght (blue end of microwaves) herein shown, on page 1 of the cover, as electromagnetic waves (not in scale) set along the surface of the universe just below the quantum of all energy levels in its fully expanded dimension, (7) the quantum of all energy levels to fully explain the physical interaction wave --wave, wave --particle, and particle --particle, (8) the concept of quantum of all energy levels to fully explain the electromagnetic dynamics behind radio telecommunications, (9) the concept of integrated spaces to fully explain why any given point of geographic and/or astronomical coordinates can play host at any given time to something like 1 billion electromagnetic waves, or to put it plainly to something like a couple of thousands electromagnetic signals for each second of the clock, and (10) the obvious implication that what is called gravitation is not a physical entity in itself, it isn't a force; it simply is the contrary of the physical process of creation herewith called expansion.
While the central message of this work of mine remains the topic quantum fields, alias integrated spaces, I have tried to complement it with a clear exposure of the surface of the universe followed by a long treatise on the much talked about negative energy.
The second chapter is all electromagnetic waves. All material that I had not included in my opera omnia consisting of three volumes: [1] Quantum Mechanics, [2] Relativity, and [3] The Ambivalent Universe, which the reader can buy for little money from Amazon.
In the third and last chapter the accent undoubtedly falls on the quantum of all energy levels, and quantum fields alias integrated spaces. I did present both these topics on parallel lines. The first one with the Higgs boson and the second, as we indeed learn from the very same title, with quantum fields. The performance of the one and the other is there under the eyes for the benefit of the reader.
The function of this work is to publicize the presence of another book of mine recently published in this very sito. I am referring to the third volume I called The Ambivalent Universe, which I have recently published here with Amazon, and which closes my opera omnia. I also want to point out that it is precisely in this volume that I published for the first time The quantum of all energy levels. Some sort of universal key that opens the access to all energy levels, and that I am considering one of the greatest scientific achievements of all times.
Lastly, I recall to mind that the extreme high energy of the Higgs boson is supposed to include and to show particles with lower masses than its own, while my quantum of all energy levels is a device currently showing particles at high and very high energy levels and wave packets at medium and low energy levels.