ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A COMPLETE GUIDE ON QANON? THEN KEEP READING...The root of all depravity and evil in the world is a cabal of international elites made up of Hollywood celebrities, Democratic politicians, intelligence agencies, and other high-ranking officials. To a majority of people out there, all of these statements are outrageous in some way. However, as the movement has gained more ground and visibility, it is becoming almost impossible to dismiss the claims of the Qanon movement. This book, Qanon And The Great Awaking: The End Of The Deep State And The Arrival Of A New World, will give you a beginning to the Qanon occurrence. We will take a look what this book covers:
- Who Is Qanon?
- What Is Happening In The World?
- What Is The Deep State?
- Who Are The Persons Colludes In The Deep State (Cabala)?
- The New World Order
- Trump And Her Plane
- Why America Was Almost Destroyed By Criminals?
- Killing The Mockingbird Media
- We Are The Plane
- The Plane To Save The World
And much more!
If you, like thousands of other people who want to know what is truly happening in the world, want to dig deeper into the history and workings of the faction and need to explore the possibilities that we may have been deceived by an all-powerful entity into believing the truths they manufactured, then you have to grab this book as soon as possible.
This book will also take a closer look at the apparent fall of the QAnon movement. Mainstream media claims that the phenomenon, while meteoric in its rise, is also quick to burn out. There are countless articles published claiming that Q is just a hoax, a game gone awry, a publicity stunt for alt-right personalities, and so much more.
This seems like one thrilling movie, right? The problem is, this is not a movie. It is real life. We are all part of it. And if we don't wake up, we might be taken down with Deep State in the cleansing that Q claims is about to take place.
There are some reality consequences to the effects that are happening between these parties. This book will let you distinguish both sides of the battling factions. The QAnon movement if you have heard of and want to learn more about this growing movement, this book is for you.
If you are one of the sceptics and you want to learn why people would believe such crazy notions, this book is also for you. It exposes the good and the bad about the movement. This book will not try to convince you to believe that what Q is saying is true. It only wants to present all the facts so that you can make your own conclusions. That's what Q is all about, anyway. He presents all the facts. It is up to you to interpret it. You have to connect the dots to see how each player fits into the narrative. He doesn't expect you to believe everything. He only wants people to start being more aware of the truth.
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