About the Book
Pure Liberal Fire is a book of philosophical and cultural commentary and analysis. It features 99 fiery and succinct essays on historical and current issues. It's written from the perspective of "pure liberalism" -- a vivid and radical alternative to the philosophy of right-wing, pre-modernist conservatism and left-wing, post-modernist progressivism. Pure liberalism embodies the best of the historically Western liberal thinkers of Greece, Rome, the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment. It also embodies the best of the avant-garde liberal thinkers of Austrian economics, libertarian politics, and Objectivist philosophy. Pure liberalism captures and distills the best of these seven, and is nothing less than the future of mankind. Pure Liberal Fire draws from the historical and current sources above, especially the thinking of Aristotle, Epicurus, Zeno the Stoic, Lucretius, Cicero, Horace, Virgil, Marcus Aurelius, Erasmus, John Locke, Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, Voltaire, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Leonard Peikoff, David Kelley, Nathaniel Branden, and (especially) Ayn Rand. This book attempts to present ideas and theories which are more insightful and advanced than all of them. * * * * * * * * * * Pure Liberal Fire features, in order: an essay of Introduction; 6 essays on Metaphysics and Epistemology; 9 on Ethics; 24 on Politics and Economics; 16 on General Culture; 8 on Religion; 13 on Islam; 4 on Philosophy; 12 on Objectivism; and 7 on Liberalism. * * * * * * * * * * This book, in essence, teaches: (1) the philosophy of reason, rationality, logic, and science; (2) the ethics of individualism, self-interest, and personal happiness; (3) the politics of liberty, justice, and individual rights; (4) the aesthetics of vivacity, dynamism, and heroism; and (5) the (rational) spirituality of the transcendent, the sublime, and the infinite. * * * * * * * * * * "Kyrel Zantonavitch's 'Pure Liberal Fire' is a radical and fearless attempt to improve upon the thinking of the economic Austrians, political libertarians, and philosophical Objectivists." -- Zoltan Istvan, futurist, philosopher, best-selling author of 'The Transhumanist Wager' "There is perhaps not a single thinker in the world more fearless than Kyrel Zantonavitch." -- Gennady Stolyarov, philosopher, novelist, transhumanist, best-selling author of 'Death Is Wrong' "These provocative and easy-to-read essays are excellent!!! I envision them being used to liven up college classes in philosophy, political science, and economics. I find them to be enjoyable, interesting, and enlightening." -- Professor Edward Younkins, Wheeling University, West Virginia, USA "The book by Kyrel Zantonavitch is an absolute bliss of fire. In this relatively small volume he attempts to present, mostly successfully, a summary of a libertarian thought from A to Z... The only problem with such a fire is that it's a dangerous substance and sometime could burn a friend together with a foe." -- Leonid Fainberg, Johannesburg, South Africa "It's an enjoyable book -- right up my alley... Well done!" -- Greg Davis, Aukland, Australia
About the Author: Kyrel Zantonavitch is a long-time Objectivist, libertarian, and classical liberal. He lives in New York City, heads up the think tank The Liberal Institute, and is possibly the most radical thinker on the planet. www.liberalinstitute.com Contact: ZantonavitchATgmailDOTcom